State & FederalHoosier Healthwise, Healthy Indiana Plan, Hoosier Care Connect, and IN PathWays for AgingSeptember 28, 2018

Pharmacy information available online

Anthem provides information about pharmacy benefits online at Once there, select the Member Eligibility & Benefits tab, then Pharmacy Benefits. Under Preferred Drug & Formulary Search, select one of the Preferred Drug List (PDL) introductions for the following information:
  • Drug lists
  • Prior authorization criteria
  • Procedures for generic substitution
  • Step therapy
  • Exception requests (Use the forms located on the Pharmacy Benefits page.)
  • Other management methods subject to prescribing decisions
  • Other requirements, restrictions or limitations that apply to using certain drugs


Information about PDL changes is located under Provider Resources under the Communications & Updates section. For information about copayment/coinsurance requirements and their applicable drug classes, see the Indiana Medicaid Provider Manual listed under Manuals, Directories, Training & More.