CommercialDecember 1, 2024
Case Management program
Managing any illness can be challenging. Knowing who to contact, what test results mean, and how to access needed resources is important but can be overwhelming.
We are available to help with our case management program. Our case managers are part of an interdisciplinary team of clinicians and professionals who support members, families, primary care physicians, behavioral health practitioners, and caregivers. The case management process utilizes the experience and expertise of the care coordination team, whose goal is to educate and empower our members to increase their self-management skills, understand their illness, and learn about care choices to access quality, efficient healthcare.
Members or caregivers can refer themselves or family members for physical health services by calling the number below. They will be transferred to a team member based on the immediate need. Physicians can also refer by contacting us telephonically or through electronic means. No issue is too big or too small. We can help with transitions across levels of care so that patients and caregivers are better prepared and informed about healthcare decisions and goals. This voluntary program is private and offered at no cost to our members. They can opt-out anytime if they change their mind about participating in the program.
For behavioral health or substance use disorder services, members can contact their health plan to verify benefits and access at or if they are Federal Employee Program (FEP) members, to search for and access behavioral health providers. To ensure privacy, having the member or member’s family contact our department directly is best.
How do you contact us?
The member can contact customer service for assistance for commercial and exchange members.
For FEP members, physical and behavioral health practitioners can refer to our behavioral health case management by calling 800‑711-2225, option 3, with member consent.
We are committed to helping patients more easily access the care they need.
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.
PUBLICATIONS: December 2024 Provider Newsletter
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