AdministrativeCommercialJuly 31, 2018

We’re changing our trade name

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia, Inc. and Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthcare Plan of Georgia, Inc. (collectively “BCBSGa”) would like to make you aware of an important change. Effective January 1, 2019 we will be changing our trade name to Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem), a trusted name that symbolizes quality for millions of consumers across the country. The new name will provide a recognizable brand identity for new, innovative programs, services and tools for existing and new consumers, and assist the market in the simplification of understanding our networks.

While our trade name and logo will change on January 1, 2019, almost everything else will stay the same. The trade name and logo change will be a seamless transition for our providers and hospitals as there will be no change to benefits or provider networks. You will continue to use the same provider IDs, contacts and claims filing processes you’re familiar with.  Our members will continue to use the same doctors and hospitals and have access to the same programs and services.


Georgia is still home Our local headquarters will remain in Buckhead, Atlanta under the leadership of Jeff Fusile, our Plan President. Our provider engagement, underwriting, operations and sales teams will still be here, too. Our Anthem Technology Center in downtown Atlanta will support business functions across our entire company, and our parent company’s largest customer service center is located in Columbus, Georgia.


Looking ahead

Starting January 1, 2019, you’ll find us on the web at We’ve given more than 80 years of dedicated service to our Georgia members. That’s not going to change. In 2019, we’ll carry on that same proud legacy ─ except we’ll do it as Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield.