Policy Updates Reimbursement PoliciesMedicare AdvantageAugust 1, 2023

Technology Assisted Surgical Procedures


Robotic Assisted Surgery

(Policy G-10004, effective 09/01/2023)

Effective September 1, 2023, the Robotic Assisted Surgery reimbursement policy with Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield will expand to include the computer-assisted surgical systems.

This policy does not allow separate reimbursement for technology assisted services detailed in the Related Coding section. These services are considered integral to the primary surgical procedure, are included in the primary surgical procedure and are not separately reimbursed.

The policy has been renamed to Technology Assisted Surgical Procedures defines both robotic assisted and computer assisted techniques.

For additional information, please review the Technology Assisted Surgical Procedures reimbursement policy at https://www.anthem.com/medicareprovider.


PUBLICATIONS: August 2023 Provider Newsletter