AdministrativeCommercialJuly 31, 2018

Improved claims escalation process

In an effort to better service our providers right the first time, we have improved our provider claim escalation process. Our provider service team has been restructured to better handle your inquiry at the time of your call. All inquiries related to claims payment will be directed to BCBSGa self-service tools or provider customer service.


If you have a claim, benefit or eligibility question, contact provider customer service by calling the number on the back of the member’s identification card or utilizing one of the self-service tools, such as secure messaging through Availity, EDI, Interactive Care Reviewer (ICR) or our Interactive Voice Response (IVR). If you’re still not satisfied, you can escalate your inquiry at that time by requesting to speak with a supervisor. Make sure to document the call reference number that will be provided to you at the end of your call or your online inquiry for your records.