CommercialMedicare AdvantageOctober 1, 2024
HEDIS medical record submission made easier with our Remote EMR Access service
Instead of submitting medical records for the HEDIS® hybrid project, use our Remote EMR Access service. We offer providers the ability to grant access to your electronic medical record (EMR) system directly to pull the required documentation to aid your office in reaching compliance. Granting our team remote access to your EMR helps reduce the time and costs associated with medical record retrieval while improving efficiency and allowing your office to focus on patient care.
We have a centralized EMR team experienced with multiple EMR systems and extensively trained annually on HIPAA, EMR systems, and HEDIS measure updates. We complete medical record retrieval based on minimum necessary guidelines:
- We only access medical records of members pulled into the HEDIS sample using specific demographic data.
- We only retrieve the medical records that have claims evidence related to the HEDIS measures.
- We only access the least amount of information needed for a use, disclosure, or a request.
- We only save to file and do not physically print any PHI.
Getting started with Remote EMR Access is just one email away. Email today.
Frequently asked questions
Q. How do you retrieve our medical records?
A. We access your EMR using a secure website and retrieve only the necessary documentation by printing to an electronic file we store internally on our secure network drives.
Q. Is this process secure?
A. Yes, we only use secure internal resources to access your EMR systems. All retrieved records are stored on our secure network drives.
Q. Why does the health plan need full access to the entire medical record?
A. There are several reasons we need to look at the entire medical record of a member:
- HEDIS measures can include up to a six-year lookback of member’s information.
- Medical record data for HEDIS compliance may come from several different areas of the EMR system, including labs, radiology, surgeries, inpatient stays, outpatient visits, and case management.
- Compliant data may be documented or housed in a non-standard format, such as an in-office lab slip scanned into miscellaneous documents.
Q. What information do I need to submit to use your Remote EMR Access service?
A. Email with the following information:
- Practice/facility demographic information (for example, address, national provider ID, or taxpayer identification numbers)
- EMR system information (for example, type of EMR system, required access forms, or access type)
- List of current providers/locations or a website for accessing this list
HEDIS® is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthcare Plan of Georgia, Inc. Independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.
PUBLICATIONS: October 2024 Provider Newsletter
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