AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2020

Electronic member ID cards available on the Availity Portal

Anthem offers you the ability to have a copy of the member’s ID card without having to physically handle the member’s card. This easy, low-touch access to view a member’s ID card is available from the Availity Portal.


When conducting an eligibility and benefits inquiry for Anthem members, simply select View Member ID Card on the Eligibility and Benefits results page. Note: the Availity Portal requires you to enter the member’s ID number as well as a date of birth or the member’s first and last name into the search options in order to submit an E&B inquiry.

Images of both the front and back of the member ID card are available, allowing you to get all of the pertinent information without the need to make a phone call. The images can be saved directly to your practice management system as PDF files.


Another option available is to access the member’s digital version of their ID card as many members have transitioned to using a digital card instead of a paper card. Members are able to  fax or email a copy of the electronic ID card from their phone/app.


We encourage you to integrate these options into your workflow now.
