Medicare AdvantageJuly 31, 2018
CMS issues regulatory changes for short- and long-acting narcotics; days’ supply limits effective Jan. 1, 2019
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently issued regulations related to opioid analgesics to help improve patient safety and reduce the misuse of opioid analgesics.
Beginning Jan. 1, 2019, all short- and long-acting opioids will reject at the point of sale if prescribed for more than seven days. This edit applies to members who do not have an opioid prescription in the previous 60 days. The edit excludes members with cancer or members in hospice.
These edits are intended to allow those with intractable pain an opportunity to maintain their pain control while helping reduce the potential for misuse or addiction among those who are experiencing acute pain.
PUBLICATIONS: August 2018 BCBSGa Provider Newsletter
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