AdministrativeCommercialMarch 1, 2019

Working with Anthem Webinars - March 2019 schedule: new Availity Claim Payment Dispute Tool

We are continuing our series of “Working with Anthem” webinars for 2019.  These webinars are focused on one topic each session, and designed to help our providers and their staff learn how to use the tools currently available to improve operational efficiency when working with Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem).

2019 Subject Specific Webinars - March schedule


New Claim Payment Dispute option on Availity - coming 3/18/19


March 26, 12pm MT


Learn about the new functionality now on Availity allowing providers to submit Claim Payment Disputes online.


The Anthem provider claim payment dispute process consists of two steps.


  1. Claim Payment Reconsideration: This is the first step in the Anthem provider payment dispute process. The reconsideration represents your initial request for an investigation into the outcome of the claim. Most issues are resolved at the claim payment reconsideration step.


  1. Claim Payment Appeal: This is the second step in the Anthem provider payment dispute process. If you disagree with the outcome of the reconsideration, you may request an additional review as a claim payment appeal.


This webinar will walk you through an overview of the tool to allow you to start submitting any applicable Claim Payment Disputes electronically, and start saving you time!


Registration link:


Webinars are offered using Cisco WebEx. There is no cost to attend.  Access to the internet, an email address and telephone is all that's needed.  Attendance is limited, so please register today.


Watch for additional topics and dates in future issues of our monthly provider newsletter throughout the year.  We also will continue to offer our Fall Provider Seminars which will continue to cover a variety of topics in face-to-face and webinar options.