AdministrativeCommercialDecember 31, 2020

New features added to Interactive Care Reviewer

You no longer need to pick up the phone or head to the fax machine to check the status of an authorization request or update a case. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) has added new features to Interactive Care Reviewer (ICR), our online medical and behavioral health authorization tool to improve your digital self-service experience.


  • Do you need to update a case that was submitted by phone or fax? Now you can add clinical notes and make other updates to these authorization requests through ICR. To make the update you need to have the Authorization & Referral Request role assigned to you by your Availity Administrator.

    • To locate the case, log on to the Availity Portal and select Patient Registration | Authorizations & Referrals, then choose Auth/Referral Inquiry.
    • Search for the case in ICR by Member, Reference/Authorization Request Number, or by Date Range.
    • From the ICR Case Overview screen select Update Case to update service codes, provider information or clinical notes. If you only need to make changes or add to your notes, select Update Clinical. Select Submit Update to complete the request.


  • We’ve removed the guesswork from the notes that are recommended for many standard authorization requests. ICR provides a check list of the supporting clinical information that will assist Anthem with completing the review. The list is located on the Clinical Details You can upload notes, images and photos directly through ICR. You can include the documentation immediately or you can submit your request then return to the case in ICR later and select Update Clinical to add the missing information.


  • Check the status of a submitted case at a glance. The ICR UM tracker, located on the Case Overview screen provides a quick view of where the case is in the review process. You can view when Anthem received the request, when the clinical review is underway and completed and the final decision.


Additionally, we’ve added a new application to Payer Spaces – Chat with Payer that you can use to check the status of a submitted authorization request. This is a great option if you don’t have the role assignments required to access ICR and research a case. 


  • To access the Chat with Payer application from Availity’s home page, select Payer Spaces | Chat with Payer.  Complete the form with the required information. You need to include the patient name, birth date and health plan member ID number. Choose Authorization Status as your topic for chat to conduct a live chat with a representative. 


