January 2025 Provider Newsletter


AdministrativeMedicare AdvantageJanuary 1, 2025

Announcing Health Perks — earn rewards for your healthcare activities

AdministrativeCommercialJanuary 1, 2025

Change in claims administration for Butte County schools

AdministrativeCommercialMedicare AdvantageMedicaidDecember 3, 2024

California DxF provider participation and accessing data for Anthem members

Digital SolutionsCommercialMedicare AdvantageMedicaidDecember 30, 2024

Enhance patient coordination with Total Member View

Digital SolutionsCommercialMedicaidDecember 24, 2024

Availity Essentials maternity update for providers

Behavioral HealthMedicaidJanuary 1, 2025

Long‑Term Services and Supports provider site visits

Education & TrainingCommercialMedicare AdvantageMedicaidJanuary 1, 2025

Enhance billing and coding accuracy with new Payment Integrity training

Education & TrainingCommercialMedicare AdvantageMedicaidJanuary 1, 2025

Enhance billing and coding accuracy with new Payment Integrity training

Education & TrainingMedicare AdvantageMedicaidDecember 26, 2024

Prefix required on claim submissions

Policy UpdatesMedicare AdvantageDecember 6, 2024

Clinical Criteria updates

Medical Policy & Clinical GuidelinesMedicare AdvantageDecember 19, 2024

Updates to Carelon Medical Benefits Management, Inc. Clinical Appropriateness Guidelines

Federal Employee Program (FEP)CommercialJanuary 1, 2025

2025 FEHB and PSHB information available online

PharmacyMedicare AdvantageDecember 31, 2024

Important information about specialty prescriptions

PharmacyMedicare AdvantageJanuary 1, 2025

Kroger Specialty Pharmacy acquisition

PharmacyMedicare AdvantageDecember 23, 2024

Specialty pharmacy precertification list expansion

PharmacyMedicare AdvantageDecember 23, 2024

Specialty Pharmacy Precertification and Step Therapy list expansion

PharmacyMedicare AdvantageDecember 16, 2024

Shortage of repackaged bevacizumab for ophthalmic use

Quality ManagementCommercialMedicare AdvantageMedicaidOctober 24, 2024

Time to prepare for HEDIS medical record review


HEDIS® is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).

AdministrativeCommercialJanuary 1, 2025

University of California PPO plans — injectable drug pre‑certification requirements

Effective January 1, 2025, Accolade is expanding the list of injectable drugs requiring pre‑certification for the University of California’s PPO medical plans. This applies to members of the UC Care, UC Health Savings Plan, and CORE plans administered by Anthem. Please call 866‑340-0063 to confirm precertification requirements for all injectable drugs because of this change.

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross and Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


AdministrativeMedicare AdvantageJanuary 1, 2025

Announcing Health Perks — earn rewards for your healthcare activities

Starting in 2025, DSNP members can earn rewards by participating in select healthcare activities.

Anthem is launching Health Perks, a new incentives program, for select completed healthcare activities starting January 1, 2025.

Dual Special Needs Plan (DSNP) members are eligible for rewards for the following healthcare activities received between January 1, 2025, and December 31, 2025.

Healthcare activity

Reward amount

Eligible claim codes

Annual wellness visit/annual physical


99381, 99382, 99383, 99384, 99385, 99386, 99387, 99391, 99392, 99393, 99394, 99395, 99396, 99397, 99401, 99402, 99403, 99404, 99411, 99412, G0438, G0439, G0463, G0468, Z00.00, Z00.01, Z00.8,

Breast cancer screening


77061, 77062, 77063, 77065, 77066, 77067

Colorectal screening


4522, 4523, 4525, 4542, 4543, 44388, 44389, 44390, 44391, 44392, 44394, 44401, 44402, 44403, 44404, 44405, 44406, 44407, 44408, 45378, 45379, 45380, 45381, 45382, 45384, 45385, 45386 45388, 45389, 45390, 45391, 45392, 45393, 45398, G0105, G0121, 74261, 74262, 74263, , 4524, 45330, 45331, 45332, 45333, 45334, 45335, 45337, 45338, 45340, 45341, 45342, 45346, 45347, 45349, 45350, G0104

Fecal occult blood test


82270, 82274, G0328, 81528

Bone density screening


8898, 76977, 77078, 77080, 77081, 77085, 77086, BP48ZZ1, BP49ZZ1, BP4GZZ1, BP4HZZ1, BP4LZZ1, BP4MZZ1, BP4NZZ1, BP4PZZ1, BQ00ZZ1, BQ01ZZ1, BQ03ZZ1, BQ04ZZ1, BR00ZZ1, BR07ZZ1, BR09ZZ1, BR0GZZ1, J0897, J1740, J3489, J3110, J3111

Flu vaccine


90630, 90653, 90654, 90656, 90658, 90661, 90662, 90673, 90674, 90682, 90686, 90688, 90689, 90694, 90756, 90660, 90672


  • For colonoscopy, annual wellness visit, and breast cancer screenings — No out‑of-pocket costs or copayment for the member when completed by an in‑network provider:
    • Note: A cost share may apply for additional services or testing performed during the visit as described for each service in this medical chart.
  • For bone density screenings — Medicare Part B (medical insurance) covers this test once every 24 months (or more often if medically necessary) if one or more of these conditions is met:
    • They are a woman whose doctor determines they are estrogen‑deficient and at risk for osteoporosis based on their medical history and other findings.
    • Their X‑rays show possible osteoporosis, osteopenia, or vertebral fractures.
    • They are taking prednisone or steroid‑type drugs or are planning to begin this treatment.
    • They have been diagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism.
    • They are being monitored to see if their osteoporosis drug therapy is working.

For further information or to verify member eligibility, benefits, or account information, call the phone number on the back of the member’s identification card.

Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, and Anthem BC Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


AdministrativeCommercialJanuary 1, 2025

Change in claims administration for Butte County schools

Self-Insured Schools of California (SISC) covers several school districts in Butte County. Currently, AmeriBen is the third-party administrator of these plans. Starting January 1, 2025, SISC will switch the administration of these plans back to Anthem. Anthem will handle all benefits administration, including claims payment, benefit inquiries, and appeals for services provided on or after this date. Please make sure to obtain a new member ID card to verify benefits and eligibility and for the latest information on claim submission.

In connection with this change, SISC plans use American Specialty Health and Carelon Medical Benefits Management, Inc. Therefore, for the newly effective Butte County schools, please ensure that any required prior authorizations for services on or after January 1, 2025, are obtained from the appropriate vendors. Contact Anthem customer service at 800-825-5541 if you have any questions.

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross and Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


AdministrativeCommercialJanuary 1, 2025

CAA: Providers required to verify online provider directory information


  • The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) requires care providers to validate their online directory details every 90 days to remain listed.
  • Anthem's provider data management (PDM) on Availity Essentials enables care providers to verify and update their information efficiently.
  • Care providers can submit data updates through the PDM's Roster Automation solution using a standard Microsoft Excel document.

The CAA of 2021 requires care providers to review and verify the accuracy of the following information in the online provider directory every 90 days:

  • Provider/facility name
  • Address
  • Specialty
  • Phone number
  • Digital contact information

Providers who fail to verify their information every 90 days may be removed from the online provider directory.

Providers will be reinstated to the online provider directory once verification is complete.

Anthem uses a proactive monitoring and correction program to further ensure provider directory data is accurate. The program uses technology and various data sources to confirm the status and accuracy of the directory data. Providers may be removed from the directory when it is determined the provider data is inaccurate.

Review, verify, and update your directory information

To review, verify, and update your online directory information, Anthem uses the provider data management (PDM) capabilities of Availity Essentials to update provider or facility data. Using the Availity PDM application meets the verification requirement to validate provider demographic data set by the CAA.

PDM features include:

  • Updating provider demographic information for all assigned payers in one location.
  • Verifying and managing current provider demographic information.
  • Monitoring submitted demographic updates in real-time with a digital dashboard.
  • Reviewing the history of previously verified data.

To access the PDM application, log on to https://Availity.com and go to My Providers > Provider Data Management. Administrators are automatically granted access to PDM. Additional staff may be given access to PDM by an administrator. To find your administrator, go to My Account Dashboard > My Account > Organization(s) > Administrator Information. View the Availity PDM quick start guide here (PDF).

Use Roster Automation to submit provider demographic changes

Within the PDM application, providers also have the choice and flexibility to request data updates using our Roster Automation solution by submitting a spreadsheet via a roster upload.

Provider data additions, changes, and terminations, including requests to suppress a provider from provider directories, are submitted on a standardized Microsoft Excel document. Provider suppression should occur for office locations at which the provider does not routinely accept patient appointments (for example, the provider only covers/floats at that location).

The resources for this process are available on our website. Visit Anthem.com > For Providers > Forms and Guides. The following two resources appear under the Digital Tools category:

  • Roster Automation Rules of Engagement: This is a reference document available to ensure error-free submissions for accurate and timely updates through automation.
  • Roster Automation Standard Template: Use this template to submit your information. More detailed instructions on formatting and submission requirements can be found on the first tab of the template, User Reference Guide.

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross and Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


AdministrativeCommercialMedicare AdvantageMedicaidDecember 3, 2024

California DxF provider participation and accessing data for Anthem members

As part of our ongoing communications regarding the California Health and Human Services (CalHHS) established Health and Human Services Data Exchange Framework (DxF), we are excited to share updates on the new technical capabilities we have implemented for care providers to access data for Anthem members. Please note, these new technical capabilities support IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise)–based and FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources)–based protocols for data access.

Consult the Technical FAQ section and additional information below for details on eligible participants in the DxF and for instructions on accessing data for our members

Who can participate in DxF?

To learn more about participating in DxF, please visit the official state website For Participants (ca.gov).

How do I access Anthem members' data using the DxF?

We follow the California DxF DSA agreement and support IHE‑ and FHIR‑based protocols for data access. For detailed information on the supported standards, see the Technical FAQ below.

If you need assistance

If there are any questions related to the onboarding, reach out to InteroperabilityWorkgroup@anthem.com. More information on DxF is available below and at Data Exchange Framework (ca.gov).

General FAQ

Note: See the Technical FAQ section for technical and specification‑related questions.

Where can I find more information on the California Data Exchange Framework (DxF)?

All relevant information related to DxF is at Data Exchange Framework (ca.gov).

What data can providers expect to receive?

We will provide clinical and claims data for our members who are receiving care from our provider partners.

See the Technical FAQ section for technical specifications used in the data exchange.

Do care providers need to obtain consent from members to access their data?

No, providers do not need to obtain consent from members to access their data through DxF. All member information, aside from sensitive data, is automatically included in the data set available to providers. However, in compliance with 42 CFR Part 2 and California state health data sharing guidelines, member consent is required when the request involves access to sensitive data, such as HIV status, reproductive health, behavioral health, and substance use disorder information

Can a member choose to opt out of the DxF?

Yes, if a member opts out or declines to share their data, we will not include data for that specific member.

Is it possible to conduct testing with Anthem before connecting to the production environment?

Yes, entities can register and perform testing in our sandbox environment by following the instructions provided at https://totalview.healthos.elevancehealth.com/fhir/documentation#overview‑section.

Technical FAQ

How can care providers request access to our DxF FHIR APIs?

Provider organizations can request access by following these steps. A link to the registration guide can be found on the Digital Solutions Learning Hub (on24.com).

  1. Register/log in to https://Availity.com and navigate to Payer Space to access the Data Exchange Framework (DXF) Registration Payer Space Application.
  2. Upon launch of the DxF application, you will be redirected to the DxF registration portal. Fill out the required information and submit the form. Detailed registration instructions can be found here (Availity.com).
  3. The submitted form will be in a pending state while the Interoperability team reviews to decide on granting access to DxF FHIR APIs.
  4. Once a decision is made, a notification is emailed to the submitter to return to the registration website and fetch the credentials needed to invoke DxF FHIR APIs.

Note: Registration approval typically takes two to four weeks.

How can care providers request access to our DxF IHE endpoints?

In addition to the FHIR capability described above, we have streamlined data access by adopting the IHE technical standard in partnership with Manifest MedEx, California’s largest nonprofit DxF qualified health information organization. Providers aiming to access our members' health data using the IHE standard must collaborate with Manifest MedEx.

Is there a technical document that highlights the capabilities supported by Anthem?

Our APIs and technical documentation can be accessed at https://totalview.healthos.elevancehealth.com/fhir/documentation#overview‑section.

What FHIR standard does Anthem use to exchange the data?

We support the FHIR 4.0.1 (hl7.org) standard to enable the data exchange.

What FHIR resource specifications does Anthem use for the data exchange?

  • Inbound request format: For an inbound request, use the HRex Member Match Operation (hl7.org). The structure of the inbound request is also provided in the API/technical documentation cited above.
  • Consent specification: For receiving the consent, we will be using the HRex Consent Profile (hl7.org). Consent is enabled using the policy field in the consent profile. The structure of the consent is also provided in the API/technical documentation cited above.
  • Clinical data payload FHIR specification: A payload containing claims and clinical data as defined in US Core Implementation Guide, 5.0.1 (hl7.org) will be returned to the requester.

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, Anthem BC Health Insurance Company, and Blue Cross of California Partnership Plan, Inc. are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.

Blue Cross of California is contracted with L.A. Care Health Plan to provide Medi-Cal Managed Care services in Los Angeles County.


Digital SolutionsCommercialMedicare AdvantageMedicaidDecember 30, 2024

Enhance patient coordination with Total Member View

At a glance:

  • Total Member View (TMV) provides a full 360‑degree view of patient health and treatment history.
  • Easily identify and provide feedback on patients missing essential preventive screenings, follow‑up appointments, or necessary treatments.
  • User‑friendly guides available for seamless navigation and usage of TMV.

TMV is a dashboard you can access through Payer Spaces in the Availity Essentials platform that gives you a full 360‑degree view of your patient’s health and treatment history to help you facilitate care coordination. You can drill down to specific items in a patient’s medical record to retrieve demographic information, care summaries, claims details, authorization details, pharmacy information, and care management‑related activities.

TMV is replacing the previous Patient 360 (P360) dashboard that you may have used to access your patient’s medical records. The TMV user interface is purple and says Total Member View in the upper right corner. TMV highlights include viewing your patients who have a care gap and providing feedback on care gaps. If you were a user of the P360 dashboard, moving to Total Member View will be a simple transition.

Viewing your patients who have a care gap:

  • After selecting the Total Member View application tile in Payer Spaces, you will be taken to the Summary tab.
  • Within the Summary tab, locate and select the care gap alert name on the Active Alerts card.

Providing feedback on care gaps:

  • Select the line item of the care gap on the Active Alerts card you would like to provide feedback on. A Care Gap Alert Feedback Entry dialog box will display.
  • From the Latest Feedback field, select the drop‑down arrow, then select the type of feedback you would like to provide (for example, My Patient is compliant with message suggestion, My Patient will not likely comply with this suggestion).
  • Once selected, choose Save.

User guide

The Total Member View Availity User Guide illustrates step‑by-step instructions on accessing and navigating through the Availity Essentials platform and how to use the system. This guide is available through the Digital Solutions Learning Hub.

We are committed to finding solutions that help our care provider partners offer quality services to our members.

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, Anthem BC Health Insurance Company, and Blue Cross of California Partnership Plan, Inc. are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.

Blue Cross of California is contracted with L.A. Care Health Plan to provide Medi-Cal Managed Care services in Los Angeles County.


Digital SolutionsCommercialMedicaidDecember 24, 2024

Availity Essentials maternity update for providers

We are updating the maternity notification process at https://Availity.com to make it more user‑friendly.

When specific conditions are met regarding maternity, a screen will appear after the Eligibility & Benefits (E&B) request and prior to the E&B response screen.

On this screen, users will be prompted to answer a few simple questions:

  • Is the patient currently pregnant? Yes or no.

If the answer is yes, users will also be asked:

  • What is the estimated delivery date?
  • What is or was the first prenatal visit date?

After answering these questions, select Submit to proceed to the E&B response screen.

Answering these questions is optional. However, providing this information assists us with gathering relevant maternity information promptly and efficiently. Please note that this process does not replace the Notification of Pregnancy (NOP) process.

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, and Blue Cross of California Partnership Plan, Inc. are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.

Blue Cross of California is contracted with L.A. Care Health Plan to provide Medi-Cal Managed Care services in Los Angeles County.


Behavioral HealthMedicaidJanuary 1, 2025

Long‑Term Services and Supports provider site visits

As a part of our commitment to developing long‑standing Long‑Term Services and Supports (LTSS) provider relationships, we are committed to ensuring clear communication and education, relationship management, and issue resolution. To do this, our LTSS Network Support Consultants team will be interfacing through periodic, in‑person meetings, which we hope will result in increased communication, deeper connection and rapport, and opportunities for enhanced collaboration.

As a LTSS provider, you can anticipate outreach from your dedicated LTSS Network Support Consultants representative to coordinate in‑person, formal provider meetings, scheduled in advance with a formalized agenda and objectives, which will supplement ongoing informal provider interactions through the year.

For questions, please contact your dedicated LTSS Network Support Consultants representative.

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Cross of California Partnership Plan, Inc. are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Blue Cross of California is contracted with L.A. Care Health Plan to provide Medi-Cal Managed Care services in Los Angeles County. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.

PCTS-1033-1, CABC-CD-074849-24

Education & TrainingCommercialMedicare AdvantageMedicaidJanuary 1, 2025

Enhance billing and coding accuracy with new Payment Integrity training

We’re excited to introduce two new Payment Integrity trainings available on our Digital Solutions Learning Hub:

  • Payment Integrity: Emergency Dept Evaluation and Management Services
  • Payment Integrity: Outpatient Evaluation and Management Services

With an initial focus on these two key educational initiatives, our purpose is to amplify your billing and coding accuracy.

More trainings will be announced throughout the year.

Discover what our Digital Solutions Learning Hub has to offer.

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, Anthem BC Health Insurance Company, and Blue Cross of California Partnership Plan, Inc. are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.

Blue Cross of California is contracted with L.A. Care Health Plan to provide Medi-Cal Managed Care services in Los Angeles County.

CABC-CDCRCM-072237-24-CPN72085, CABC-CDCRCM-075926-24-CPN75258, CABC-CDCRCM-077812-25-CPN77515, CABC-CDCRCM-080161-25-CPN79720

Education & TrainingCommercialMedicare AdvantageMedicaidJanuary 1, 2025

Enhance billing and coding accuracy with new Payment Integrity training

We’re excited to introduce two new Payment Integrity trainings available on our Digital Solutions Learning Hub: Payment Integrity: Emergency Dept Evaluation and Management Services and Payment Integrity: Outpatient Evaluation and Management Services. With an initial focus on these two key educational initiatives, our purpose is to amplify your billing and coding accuracy.

More trainings will be announced throughout the year.

Discover what our Digital Solutions Learning Hub has to offer.

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, Anthem BC Health Insurance Company, and Blue Cross of California Partnership Plan, Inc. are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.

Blue Cross of California is contracted with L.A. Care Health Plan to provide Medi-Cal Managed Care services in Los Angeles County.


Education & TrainingMedicare AdvantageMedicaidDecember 26, 2024

Prefix required on claim submissions

Starting April 11, 2025, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association prefix shown on the member ID card will be required when filing claims to Anthem, whether by electronic or paper submission.

The member ID can be found on the front, left side of the card. You must include the three‑character alphabetic or alphanumeric prefix; for example, XDJ or A8G.

If the prefix is missing on the claim, your claim will be rejected and will not be accepted for processing. The claim will need to be refiled with the complete member ID, with the prefix, as shown on the card.

The verbiage below is what will show when a claim is rejected due to a missing prefix:

  • Professionals Claim 60126
  • Institutional Claim 60447

“A valid Blue Cross Blue Shield Association prefix is required for adjudication. Refile the claim with the member ID as displayed on the card."

This change is to support successful claims submission and ensure timely claims payments. Thank you for your cooperation.

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, Anthem BC Health Insurance Company, and Blue Cross of California Partnership Plan, Inc. are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.

Blue Cross of California is contracted with L.A. Care Health Plan to provide Medi-Cal Managed Care services in Los Angeles County.


Policy UpdatesMedicare AdvantageDecember 6, 2024

Clinical Criteria updates

Effective January 9, 2025

Summary: On September 20, 2024 and October 2, 2024 the Pharmacy and Therapeutic (P&T) Committee approved the following Clinical Criteria applicable to the medical drug benefit for Anthem. These policies were developed, revised, or reviewed to support clinical coding edits.

Visit Clinical Criteria to search for specific policies. For questions or additional information, use this email.

Please see the explanation/definition for each category of Clinical Criteria below:

  • New: newly published criteria
  • Revised: addition or removal of medical necessity requirements, new document number
  • Updates marked with an asterisk (*) notate that the criteria may be perceived as more restrictive

Please share this notice with other members of your practice and office staff.

Please note:

  • The Clinical Criteria listed below applies only to the medical drug benefits contained within the member’s medical policy. This does not apply to pharmacy services.
  • This notice is meant to inform the provider of new or revised criteria that has been adopted by Anthem only. It does not include details regarding any authorization requirements. Authorization rules are communicated via a separate notice.

Effective date

Clinical Criteria number

Clinical Criteria title

New or revised

January 9, 2025


Ebglyss (lebrikizumab-lbkz)


January 9, 2025


Lymphir (denileukin diftitox-cxdl)


January 9, 2025


Nemluvio (nemolizumab-ilto)


January 9, 2025


Niktimvo (axatilmab-csfr)


January 9, 2025


Tecelra (afamitresgene autoleucel)


January 9, 2025


Brineura (cerliponase alfa)


January 9, 2025


Veopoz (pozelimab-bbfg)


January 9, 2025


Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Inhibitors


January 9, 2025


Dupixent (dupilumab)


January 9, 2025


Rybrevant (amivantamab-ymjw)


January 9, 2025


Imfinzi (durvalumab)


January 9, 2025


Colony Stimulating Factor Agents


January 9, 2025


Monoclonal Antibodies to Interleukin-23


January 9, 2025


Ocrevus (ocrelizumab)/Ocrevus Zunovo (ocrelizumab/hyaluronidase-ocsq)


Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, and Anthem BC Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


Medical Policy & Clinical GuidelinesMedicare AdvantageDecember 19, 2024

Updates to Carelon Medical Benefits Management, Inc. Clinical Appropriateness Guidelines

Effective for dates of service on and after March 23, 2025, the following updates will apply to the Carelon Medical Benefits Management Clinical Appropriateness Guidelines. As part of the Carelon Medical Benefits Management guideline annual review process, these updates focus on advancing efforts to drive clinically appropriate, safe, and affordable healthcare services.

Note, several policies and guidelines were revised to provide clarification only and are not included. Some may have expanded rationales, medical necessity indications or criteria and some may involve changes to policy position statements that might result in services that previously were covered being found to be not medically necessary.

Advanced Imaging/Radiology

Oncologic Imaging:

  • National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) alignments for Cancer Screening and tumor‑specific indications, largely addressing time intervals of screening or surveillance imaging
  • Added FDG‑PET allowances for Colorectal Cancer and Lung Cancer (Small Cell) accounting for nondiagnostic standard imaging

Imaging of the Abdomen and Pelvis:

  • Tumor or neoplasm — added requirement for initial evaluation of testicular masses with US
  • Endometriosis — removed US requirement for follow‑up of patients with an established diagnosis
  • Obstetric indications — specified that fetal MRI is indicated in the second or third trimester
  • Diffuse liver disease — removed criteria for LiverMultiScan as an alternative to MR elastography
  • Abdominal and/or pelvic pain, undifferentiated — clarified language regarding initial imaging and lab evaluation

Imaging of the Chest:

  • Added indication for dyspnea

Genetic Testing

Carrier Screening in the Reproductive Setting:

  • Standard carrier screening ‑ removed CBC from the list of acceptable prior testing restrictions for hemoglobinopathy screening
  • Expanded Carrier screening:
    • Clarified that medical records should attest to adoption or consanguinity
    • Expansive criteria to allow for multigene panels to include conditions with less than 1 in 100 carrier frequencies for individuals in a consanguineous partnership
    • Removed requirement that alternate biochemical tests are not available, have provided an indeterminate result, or are less accurate than genetic testing

Genetic Testing for Inherited Conditions:

  • Added expansive criteria to allow confirmatory genetic testing for individuals identified to have a pathogenic or likely pathogenic germline variant in genes with established clinical utility based on results of IRB‑approved clinical research studies
  • Cardiac conditions:
    • Expanded genetic testing criteria for hereditary cardiomyopathy syndromes in the pediatric population
    • Added new expansive medical necessity criteria for hereditary aortopathies
  • Neurological conditions ‑ expanded criteria to allow SOD1 genetic testing in individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) when determined to be a candidate for FDA‑approved Qalsody (tofersen) treatment
  • Thrombophilia testing:
    • Removed restriction of low bleeding risk in individuals with an unprovoked VTE who are planning to stop anticoagulation
    • Removed criterion (last bullet) to allow F5 and F2 genetic testing for individuals contemplating estrogen use when they have a first‑degree relative with VTE and a known hereditary thrombophilia per ASH guidance

Hereditary Cancer Testing:

  • Removed requirement that alternate biochemical tests are not available, have provided an indeterminate result, or are less accurate than genetic testing
  • Listed specific examples of somatic test findings that, per ASCO guideline, should generate consideration of germline testing (clarification)
  • Expanded criteria to allow confirmatory genetic testing for individuals identified to have a pathogenic or likely pathogenic germline variant in genes with established clinical utility based on results from direct‑to-consumer genetic testing or results from an IRB‑approved clinical research study
  • Adenomatous polyp syndromes:
    • Added expansive criteria to include individuals with multifocal or bilateral congenital hypertrophy of retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE)
    • Added expansive criteria to include first‑, second‑, or third‑degree relatives with known pathogenic variant or clinical findings suggestive of an inherited polyposis syndrome
  • Juvenile polyposis syndrome:
    • Increased testing requirement for the number of juvenile polyps in the colon from three to five (restrictive)
  • Cowden syndrome:
    • Expanded minor criteria to include colorectal cancer and lipomas to the list of conditions that may be present
  • Lynch syndrome:
    • Personal history criteria expanded to include any Lynch syndrome related cancer: colorectal, endometrial, gastric, ovarian, pancreatic, urothelial, CNS glioma, biliary tract, small intestine, sebaceous adenomas or carcinomas, keratoacanthomas, or breast carcinomas with medullary features
  • Li‑Fraumeni syndrome:
    • Expanded the personal history criteria to include pediatric hypodiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia
    • Restricted germline testing criteria for testing as a follow‑up to TP53 positive somatic tumor test results as per ASCO guideline
    • Restricted germline testing criteria for testing of unaffected first‑, second‑, or third‑degree relatives to individuals whose affected relative meets LFS personal history criteria
  • Hereditary Breast Cancer:
    • Expanded BRCA1/2 testing criteria to include all women <65 with personal history of breast cancer
    • All individuals who are candidates for PARP inhibitor therapy are included in scope for testing
    • Clarified the statement about BRCA risk models, eliminating reference to tools that are not examples of validated risk models
    • Family history criteria for testing related to having a relative with multiple primary breast cancers expanded to first‑ or second‑degree relative
    • Family history criteria for testing related to having a relative with epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer expanded to include first‑, second‑, or third‑degree relatives
    • Family history criteria for testing related to having a relative with breast cancer who is also an individual assigned male sex at birth expanded to include first‑, second‑, or third‑degree relatives
    • Family history criteria for testing related to having a relative age <50 with breast cancer expanded to be at least one relative who is a first‑, second, or third‑degree blood relative
  • Hereditary epithelial ovarian cancer:
    • Clarified the statement about BRCA risk models, eliminating reference to tools that are not examples of validated risk models
  • Hereditary pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma:
    • Clarified the statement about BRCA risk models, eliminating reference to tools that are not examples of validated risk models
  • Multi‑gene panel testing for HBOP:
    • For pancreatic carcinoma, expanded the multi‑gene panel list to include CDK4
    • For breast cancer, removed the following genes from the multi‑gene panel list: ATM, BARD1, CHEK2, RAD51C, and RAD51D
  • Melanoma:
    • Gene list expanded to 20 genes and can include CDK4 pathogenic variants
  • Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome:
    • Expanded threshold for the number of basal cell carcinomas from 5 in a lifetime to as low as two (multiple) if this is considered out of proportion to prior skin exposure or skin type
    • Removed age restriction for Lamellar calcification of the falx cerebri (major criterion)
  • Endocrine neoplasms:
    • Expanded criteria to include early onset GI stromal tumors to account for evaluation for SDHB gene‑deficient GIST
  • Kidney cancer:
    • Expanded criteria to include individuals with a personal history of various rare kidney tumors (Birt‑Hogge-Dubé syndrome, HLRCC associated renal cell carcinoma, and more)
    • Expanded criteria to include unaffected individuals with two or more first‑ or second‑degree relatives with renal cell carcinoma
  • Prostate Cancer:
    • For individuals with low‑risk prostate cancer, criteria expanded to include family history of breast cancer in relatives assigned female at birth and age ≤50; family history of pancreatic, gastric, brain, melanoma, intestinal (colorectal or small bowel), or endometrial cancer diagnosed at age ≤50; family history of upper tract urothelial cancer(s) in first‑ or second‑degree relatives; Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry; intraductal or cribriform histology
    • For individuals with an intermediate risk of prostate cancer, criteria expanded to include family history of breast cancer in relatives assigned female at birth and age ≤50; family history of pancreatic, gastric, brain, melanoma, intestinal (colorectal or small bowel), or endometrial cancer diagnosed at age ≤50; family history of upper tract urothelial cancer(s) in first‑ or second‑degree relatives
    • Removed CHEK2 or PALB2 from the multi‑panel gene list for prostate cancer
    • Expanded family history criteria to first‑, second‑, or third‑degree relatives with multiple primary breast cancers
    • Expanded family history criteria of prostate cancer diagnosed before age 60 to include at least one first‑ or second‑degree relative
    • For individuals unaffected by prostate cancer, criteria are expanded to include 11 additional family history indicators for risk of BRCA1 or BRCA2 pathogenic variants that match the Hereditary breast cancer family history criteria
    • Clarified the statement about BRCA risk models, eliminating reference to tools that are not examples of validated risk models

Radiation Oncology

Radiation Therapy:

  • Special Treatment Procedure and Special Physics Consult: limited the scenarios where special treatment procedure and special physics consult are indicated, to more closely align with recent ASTRO guidance
  • Breast cancer — reduced the minimum age at which patients with invasive disease meet criteria for accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI)
  • Head and neck cancer — removed indication for neutron therapy as this is no longer routinely used.
  • Lung cancer — clarified that the maximum number of fractions for SBRT is 5 in both NSCLC and SCLC
  • Oligometastatic extracranial disease — added scenario for oligoprogressive extracranial disease
  • Other tumor types:
    • Combined criteria for IMRT, SRS, and SBRT
    • Expanded criteria for SRS and SBRT to include any radiosensitive tumor
  • Prostate cancer:
    • Modified number of fractions indicated, due to larger dose given in each individual fraction (no change in total dose to be given)
    • Added scenario for salvage treatment after prostatectomy
    • Added max fraction number for salvage RT

Hydrogel Spacers:

  • Expanded the use of hydrogel spacers to include them in patients receiving any form of external beam radiation therapy

Proton Beam Therapy:

  • Added clarifying statement that generic case control plan comparison is insufficient and that patient‑specific IMRT isodose comparison is required

As a reminder, ordering and servicing providers may submit prior authorization requests to Carelon Medical Benefits Management using the following:

  • Access Carelon Medical Benefit Management’s provider portal directly at providerportal.com:
    • Online access is available 24/7 to process orders in real time. It is the fastest and most convenient way to request authorization.

If you have questions related to guidelines, please contact Carelon Medical Benefits Management via email at medicalbenefitsmanagement.guidelines@carelon.com. Additionally, you may access and download a copy of the current and upcoming guidelines here.

Carelon Medical Benefits Management, Inc. is an independent company providing utilization management services on behalf of the health plan.

Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, and Anthem BC Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


Federal Employee Program (FEP)CommercialJanuary 1, 2025

2025 FEHB and PSHB information available online

To view the 2025 benefits and changes for the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) and Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) programs, go to fepblue.org. Select Get Support & Resources > Brochures & Resources. Here you will find the plan brochures, benefit plan summaries, and quick reference guides for 2025.

If you have questions, please contact Customer Service at:

California — FEHB: 800‑284-9093 or PSHB: 833‑821-2287

Colorado — FEHB: 800‑852-5957 or PSHB: 833‑821-2313

Connecticut — FEHB: 800‑438-5356 or PSHB: 833‑821-2261

Georgia — FEHB: 800‑282-2473 or PSHB: 833‑821-2257

Indiana — FEHB: 800‑382-5520 or PSHB: 833‑821-1958

Kentucky — FEHB: 800‑456-3967 or PSHB: 833‑821-1960

Maine — FEHB: 800‑722-0203 or PSHB: 833‑821-2263

Missouri — FEHB: 800‑392-8043 or PSHB: 833‑821-1966

Nevada — FEHB: 800‑727-4060 or PSHB: 833‑821-2325

New Hampshire — FEHB: 800‑852-3316 or PSHB: 833‑821-2286

New York — FEHB: 800‑522-5566 or PSHB: 833‑821-2256

Ohio — FEHB: 800‑451-7602 or PSHB: 833‑821-1970

Virginia — FEHB: 800‑552-6989 or PSHB: 833‑821-2258

Wisconsin — FEHB: 800‑242-9635 or PSHB: 833‑821-2245

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross and Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


PharmacyMedicare AdvantageDecember 31, 2024

Important information about specialty prescriptions

Effective January 1, 2025, and upon member consent, specialty pharmacy prescriptions for Medicare members currently being dispensed by CarelonRx Specialty Pharmacy will be transferred to BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy.

What happens next?

  • Medicare patients received a letter in November explaining this transition. If they provide consent to move to BioPlus, they will receive a phone call from BioPlus to review important information related to their prescriptions.
  • If you have Medicare patients who choose to move their prescription, BioPlus will contact you to request new prescriptions, refills, or prior authorizations.
  • If you have Medicare patients who choose not to move their prescription, no action is required.

Benefits of working with BioPlus

If your Medicare patients choose to move to BioPlus, here is what you can expect:

  • Faster approvals:
    • Know in two hours whether your patient’s medication will be filled
  • Less paperwork and hassle over benefits verification and appeals
  • More help with securing patient financial assistance

CarelonRx, Inc. and BioPlus work together to deliver patients an unparalleled level of high‑tech, high‑touch service that focuses on their whole health.

If you have questions, contact your provider relationship management representative or BioPlus directly at 833‑549-2874.

Through genuine collaboration, we can simplify access to care and help you deliver high‑quality, equitable healthcare.

CarelonRx, Inc. is an independent company providing pharmacy benefit management services on behalf of the health plan.

Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, and Anthem BC Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


PharmacyMedicare AdvantageJanuary 1, 2025

Kroger Specialty Pharmacy acquisition

Our pharmacy benefit management partner, CarelonRx Inc., has acquired Kroger Specialty Pharmacy. This follows the recent acquisitions of BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy, all aimed at enhancing support for individuals with chronic and complex conditions.

To ensure a seamless patient experience, most prescriptions for former Kroger Specialty Pharmacy patients are being handled by BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy, a CarelonRx company. If you have new specialty pharmacy prescriptions, please send them to BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy.

If you have any questions, please call your provider relationship management representative.

With your help, we can continually build towards a future of shared success.

CarelonRx, Inc. is an independent company providing pharmacy benefit management services on behalf of the health plan.

Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, and Anthem BC Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


PharmacyMedicare AdvantageDecember 23, 2024

Specialty pharmacy precertification list expansion

Prior authorization

Effective for dates of service on or after March 1, 2025, the specialty Medicare Part B drug listed in the table below will be included in our precertification review process.

Federal and state law, as well as state contract language and CMS guidelines, including definitions and specific contract provisions/exclusions, take precedence over these precertification rules and must be considered first when determining coverage. Noncompliance with new requirements may result in denied claims.

HCPCS or CPT® codes

Medicare Part B drugs

C9399, J3590

Eylea (aflibercept) biosimilars:
Ahzantive (aflibercept‑mrbb)
Enzeevu (aflibercept‑abzv)
Opuviz (aflibercept‑yszy)
Pavblu (aflibercept‑ayyh)
Yesafili (aflibercept‑jbvf)

C9399, J9999

Lymphir (denileukin diftitox‑cxdl)

C9399, J3590

Niktimvo (axatilmab‑csfr)

C9399, J3590

Nypozi (filgrastim‑txid)


Ocrevus Zunovo (ocrelizumab/hyaluronidase‑ocsq)

C9399, J9999

Rytelo (imetelstat)

C9399, J9999

Tecelra (afamitresgene autoleucel)


Yimmugo (immune globulin intravenous, human‑dira)

Step therapy

Effective March 1, 2025, the following Part B medications from the current Clinical Criteria Guidelines will be included in our medical step therapy precertification review process. Step therapy review will apply upon precertification initiation, in addition to the current medical necessity review (as is current procedure). Step therapy will not apply for members who are actively receiving medications listed below.

Clinical Criteria Guidelines are publicly available on the provider website. Visit the Clinical Criteria page to search for specific criteria.

Clinical UM Guidelines





Nypozi (filgrastim‑txid)



Yimmugo (immune globulin intravenous, human‑dira)

Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, and Anthem BC Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


PharmacyMedicare AdvantageDecember 23, 2024

Specialty Pharmacy Precertification and Step Therapy list expansion

Effective for dates of service on or after April 1, 2025, the specialty Medicare Part B drug listed in the table below will be included in our precertification review process.

Federal and state law, as well as state contract language and CMS guidelines, including definitions and specific contract provisions/exclusions, take precedence over these precertification rules and must be considered first when determining coverage. Noncompliance with new requirements may result in denied claims.

HCPCS or CPT® codes

Medicare Part B drugs


Camcevi (leuprolide mesylate)


Kisunla (donanemab‑azbt)


Piasky (crovalimab‑akkz)

J3590, J9999

Tevimbra (tislelizumab‑jsgr)

C9399, J3590

Tyenne (tocilizumab‑aazg)

Notification of Specialty Pharmacy Medical Step Therapy updates

Effective February 1, 2025, the following Part B medications from the current Clinical Criteria Guidelines will be included in our medical step therapy precertification review process. Step therapy review will apply upon precertification initiation, in addition to the current medical necessity review (as is current procedure). Step therapy will not apply for members who are actively receiving medications listed below.

Clinical UM Guidelines are publicly available on the provider website. Visit the Clinical Criteria page to search for specific criteria.

Clinical UM Guidelines

Preferred drug(s)

Nonpreferred drug(s)













Flebogamma DIF



Gammagard S/D







1 Gamunex‑C,Gammaked, and Gammagard may be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.

Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, and Anthem BC Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.

MULTI BC-CR-071024-24-CPN70592

PharmacyMedicare AdvantageDecember 16, 2024

Shortage of repackaged bevacizumab for ophthalmic use

On October 11, 2024, Pine Pharmaceuticals, the largest producer of repackaged bevacizumab (Avastin®), communicated that it would no longer be a supplier of repackaged, prefilled bevacizumab syringes.

Our preferred products include Avastin, Byooviz, Cimerli, Eylea, Eylea HD, Lucentis, and Vabysmo. To avoid access issues or treatment delays for members receiving this treatment, we encourage providers to reach out if necessary to our prior authorization department for an alternative antivascular endothelial growth factor drug for our members. All expedited requests for a Part B drug will have a determination made and the enrollee will be notified of the decision as expeditiously as the enrollee’s health condition requires, but no later than 24 hours after the request is received.

Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, and Anthem BC Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.

PCTS-1044-1, MULTI-ALL-CR-075366-24

Quality ManagementCommercialMedicare AdvantageMedicaidOctober 24, 2024

Time to prepare for HEDIS medical record review

At a glance:

      • Care providers must prepare for HEDIS® medical record reviews starting January 2025.
      • Care providers will submit records through Remote Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Access Service, website upload, fax, secure file transfer protocol (SFTP), mail, or on-site.


Each year, we perform a review of a sample of our members’ medical records as part of the HEDIS quality study. HEDIS is part of a nationally recognized quality improvement initiative and is used by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), and several states to monitor the performance of managed care organizations.

We will begin requesting medical records in January 2025. No special authorization is needed for you to share member medical record information with us since quality assessment and improvement activities are routine parts of healthcare operations.

Ways to submit your records in our preferred order:

      • Remote EMR Access Service: We offer the Remote EMR Access Service to care providers to submit member medical record information to us. If you are interested in more information, contact us at Centralized_EMR_Team@anthem.com.
      • Upload: Medical records can be uploaded to our secure website using the instructions in the request document.
      • Fax: Medical records can be faxed to us using the instructions in the request document.
      • SFTP: Medical records can be uploaded via a secure website.
      • U. S. Postal Service: Medical records can be mailed to us using the instructions in the request document.
      • On-site: Medical records can be pulled by a representative at your local office where medical records are located.

HEDIS review is time sensitive, so submit the requested medical records within the timeframe indicated in the initial HEDIS request document.

We appreciate the care you provide our members. Your assistance is crucial to ensuring our data is statistically valid, auditable, and accurately reflects quality performance.

Contact us

Availity Chat with Payer is available during normal business hours. Get answers to your questions about eligibility, benefits, authorizations, claims status, and more. To access Availity Essentials, go to https://Availity.com and select the appropriate payer space tile from the drop-down. Then, select Chat with Payer and complete the pre-chat form to start your chat.

For additional support, visit the Contact Us section of our provider website for the appropriate contact.

HEDIS® is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, Anthem BC Health Insurance Company, and Blue Cross of California Partnership Plan, Inc. are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.

Blue Cross of California is contracted with L.A. Care Health Plan to provide Medi-Cal Managed Care services in Los Angeles County.

CABC-CDCRCM-069931-24-CPN69632, CABC-CDCRCM-071167-24-CPN71157