August 31, 2018: Anthem Blue Cross eUPDATE - California

AdministrativeCommercialAugust 31, 2018

Changes to Anthem Blue Cross' Provider Communications page

In the August 2018 edition of our provider newsletter, we announced upcoming Web design changes in our ongoing efforts to make it easier for providers to access important information needed in order to do business with us.  We are making these changes to our Communications page of the California section of the provider website for our primary communications vehicles – our provider newsletter and provider email notices. 

With this Network eUPDATE email notification, we are launching those design changes. Watch for our upcoming October provider newsletter that will be in the new design format as well.  Going forward, articles will indicate publication type (provider newsletter or eUPDATE) and date.  Articles will be grouped in four categories:

  1. Administrative
  2. Guideline Updates (Includes Coverage and Clinical Guidelines and Reimbursement notices)
  3. Products and Programs (Includes Behavioral Health and Pharmacy notices)
  4. State and Federal (Includes notices about the Federal Employee Program, Medicaid and Medicare)

You'll be able to search for information on a topic using the publication type, date range, categories or key words.  We hope you find these changes helpful, as we continue to work to streamline our business processes.

AdministrativeCommercialAugust 31, 2018

Now Available: Get patient payments faster with Healthcare Bill Payments at

The new Healthcare Bill Payments feature on the member portal at allows many Anthem Blue Cross (Anthem) members to make payments to providers for their out-of-pocket expenses as soon as claims are processed. This new payment option offers members the convenience of making secure payments from the same place they go to view their claims, and helps providers receive payments faster and with less effort.


Ready to get started?

Register today to receive these payments faster as direct deposit.


Want to learn more?

Watch the on-demand webinar 

Learn how Healthcare Bill Payments works, including:

  • How providers can collect patient payments faster with direct deposit
  • Why patients prefer to make payments with Healthcare Bill Payments
  • How Healthcare Bill Payments can help you reduce staff effort and billing costs
  • Payment options and how to register

AdministrativeCommercialAugust 31, 2018

Anthem Blue Cross launches additional changes to in September

Exciting changes are coming to the public provider site on this September. As a result of surveys and interviews with numerous health care professionals as well as in-depth analytics research, Anthem Blue Cross (Anthem) will launch our first new pages to the public provider site since the initial home page launch in January 2018.


The redesign will be rolled out in multiple phases with the goal of improving the ease in which providers find the right information and resources they need in order to do business with us.


The new site features an updated look and feel, consistent with the rest of It is designed to make all provider content easier to use and understand. A few of the highlights include:

  • Updated pages for Join Our Network and Credentialing
  • A redesigned Provider News page
  • An easy-to-navigate Provider Resources area
  • … and more


This mid-September release is the first in a series of quarterly updates. Each will redesign helpful resources for providers that will replace older content on the public provider site.  We’ll keep you posted on upcoming changes, as we continue to work to streamline our Web platform and other business processes.

Reimbursement PoliciesCommercialAugust 31, 2018

Reminder: Reimbursement Policy Update - Claims requiring additional documentation (Facility)

As we advised you in April 2018, in our efforts to improve payment accuracy and reduce post-payment recoveries, beginning with dates of service on or after July 13, 2018, Anthem Blue Cross (Anthem) updated our Claims Requiring Additional Documentation policy to include the following requirement: 

  • Inpatient stay claims reimbursed at a percent of charge with billed charges above $40,000 require an itemized bill to be submitted with the claim.


For more information about this policy, you can view a copy of the policy that was enclosed in the notice mailed in April 2018.

Helpful tip: View the instructions on how to submit your itemized bill to Anthem.