April 2023 Provider News - California


AdministrativeCommercialMarch 31, 2023

Medical Oncology Program ProviderPortal case entry enhancements

AdministrativeCommercialMedicare AdvantageMedicaidMarch 31, 2023

Statin Therapy Exclusions for Patients With Cardiovascular Disease/Diabetes HEDIS measures

AdministrativeCommercialMedicare AdvantageMedicaidMarch 31, 2023

Attention lab providers: COVID-19 update regarding reimbursement

AdministrativeCommercialMarch 31, 2023

Helping to reduce delays when submitting attachments

AdministrativeCommercialMarch 31, 2023

Confidential communication of medical information

AdministrativeCommercialMarch 31, 2023

CAA: Maintain your online provider directory information

Digital SolutionsCommercialMedicare AdvantageMedicaidMarch 31, 2023

Survey for all skilled nursing facilities

Digital SolutionsCommercialMarch 31, 2023

Submitting prior authorizations is getting easier

Education & TrainingMedicaidMarch 31, 2023

Ready, set, renew!

Products & ProgramsCommercialMarch 31, 2023

Let’s Vaccinate

Products & ProgramsCommercialMedicare AdvantageMarch 31, 2023

Pay Doctor Bill (provider payment option) - General FAQ

Federal Employee Program (FEP)CommercialMarch 31, 2023

HEDIS 2023 Federal Employee Program medical record request requirements

PharmacyCommercialMarch 31, 2023

Pharmacy information available on our provider website

State & FederalMedicaidMarch 31, 2023

Keep up with Medi-Cal news - April 2023

State & FederalMedicare AdvantageMarch 31, 2023


State & FederalMedicare AdvantageMarch 31, 2023

Keep up with Medicare News - April 2023

AdministrativeCommercialMarch 31, 2023

Action required: 2023 Consumer Grievance and Appeals attestation Requirement

Participating providers with Anthem Blue Cross (Anthem) are required to annually acknowledge that each of the following are readily available at each contracted provider location:

  • Consumer grievance and appeals forms
  • A description of grievance procedures

Please follow the steps below to complete this year’s required attestation, which is due by
April 24, 2023. The process takes approximately five minutes.

  1. Select the survey questionnaire and attestation: https://s-us.chkmkt.com/?e=308180&d=e&h=E24536B225BCE5C&l=en.
  2. Answer all four questions and provide the information.
  3. Complete the attestation and submit. 

Access to consumer grievance and appeals forms (in multiple languages) and procedures are located on the Anthem website at https://www.anthem.com/ca/forms.

  1. Go to View by Topic and select the drop-down menu.
  2. Select Grievance & Appeals.
  3. Select the desired resource link/form.

We appreciate your cooperation and support. If you have any questions regarding this requirement, please contact Elisa.Hangarter@anthem.com.

For additional information regarding consumer grievance and appeals requirements, please see below.

The Department of Managed Health Care’s (DMHC) routine medical survey includes evaluation of a health plan’s compliance with California Health and Safety Code section 1368(a)(2); 28 CCR 1300.68(b)(6) and (7). These regulations require health plans to ensure that consumer grievance and appeals forms and a description of grievance procedures are readily available at each contracting provider’s office, contracting facility, or plan facility.

Please review and distribute the Anthem consumer grievance and appeals forms to all your participating offices. It is important to implement processes to provide consumer grievance and appeals forms to Anthem consumers promptly upon request.

Your agreement with Anthem requires you to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and to cooperate with Anthem’s administration of its grievance program, which includes annually attesting that consumer grievance and appeals forms, and a description of grievance procedures are readily available at each contracting provider’s office, contracting facility, or plan facility.

Information can be accessed on the process of submitting consumer grievances and appeals, grievance forms in multiple languages, definitions, and appeal rights, on the Anthem website at https://www.anthem.com/ca/forms and within the Anthem Blue Cross provider manual.


AdministrativeCommercialMarch 31, 2023

Medical Oncology Program ProviderPortal case entry enhancements

On March 26, 2023, Carelon Medical Benefits Management Inc. (formerly AIM Specialty Health)* released operational enhancements to the ProviderPortalSM for the Medical Oncology Program for Anthem Blue Cross. These enhancements are geared towards creating an easier intake process for users. You may notice the clinical intake screens look and function differently.

A few updates will include:

  • Improved look and feel of the case entry screens.
  • Removal of unnecessary biomarker questions for specific clinical scenarios.
  • Revised drug dosing screens for easier input of cycle ranges and days of administration.

Resources, training, and support 

To familiarize yourself with the enhanced medical oncology authorization request process, Carelon will be hosting a series of provider training sessions. Please register to receive a unique meeting invite.

Provider training sessions


Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 1 p.m. CST

Register for webinar link

Provider training sessions

Register to attend a general training session that will demonstrate the enhanced case entry process here.

Thursday, August 10, 2023, 3 p.m. CST

Register for webinar link


Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 3 p.m. CST

Register for webinar link

For more information 

Carelon has a designated email address for provider questions about the ProviderPortal and case entry process; please use MedicalOncologySolution@carelon.com. All member eligibility or claims questions should be directed to your health plan network representative. Thank you for your continued support of this program.

* Carelon Medical Benefits Management, Inc. is an independent company providing utilization management services on behalf of the health plan.


AdministrativeCommercialMarch 31, 2023

Authorizations for durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) services for consumers with individual, group retiree solutions (GRS), and dual-eligible plans from Medicare Advantage

For services beginning July 1, 2023, prior authorization requests for durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) services will be reviewed by Carelon Post Acute Solutions, LLC.* The goal of this program is to ensure members receive the right product for the right duration of time in the home. This change will be applicable to the following markets: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin.


How to submit or check a prior authorization request

For DMEPOS services, Carelon Post Acute Solutions will begin receiving requests on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, for dates of service July 1, 2023, and after. 


Providers are encouraged to request authorization using NexLync. Go to https://providers.carelonmedicalbenefitsmanagement.com/postacute to get started. You can upload clinical information and check the status of your requests through this online tool 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you are unable to use the link or website, you can call the Carelon Post Acute Solutions Provider Call Center at 844-411-9622 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday, or send a fax to Carelon Post Acute Solutions at 833-311-2986.


Please note: Carelon Post Acute Solutions will not review authorization requests for products/services that do not fall under Medicare-covered products/services, such as home infusion, hospice, outpatient therapy, or supplemental benefits that help with everyday health and living, such as personal home helper services offered under essential/everyday extras.


To learn more about Carelon Post Acute Solutions and upcoming training webinars, visit https://providers.carelonmedicalbenefitsmanagement.com/postacute/provider-materials/anthem-provider-resources/ or email provider_network@carelon.com.


If you have additional questions, please call the Carelon Post Acute Solutions Provider Call Center at 844-411-9622.

* Carelon Post-Acute Solutions, LLC is an independent company providing services on behalf of the health plan.


AdministrativeCommercialMedicare AdvantageMedicaidMarch 31, 2023

Statin Therapy Exclusions for Patients With Cardiovascular Disease/Diabetes HEDIS measures

The Statin Therapy Exclusions for Patients With Cardiovascular Disease (SPC) HEDIS® measures examines the percentage of patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (SPC) who received and adhered to statin therapy throughout the measurement year. However, statin therapy does not work for everyone, and alternative therapies are necessary to minimize their risk for future complications. If you have patients who cannot tolerate statin therapy, it is important that you document and notify us annually so we can exclude the patients from your list of open care gaps. Refer to NCQA guidelines for a complete listing of exclusion criteria.

How to submit exclusion data:

  • Indicate the appropriate ICD-10 code for encounters.
  • Use standard data file submission or EMR/EHR access for supplemental data collection.

Exclusions are applied based on diagnosis codes on the date of service provided on the claim or through supplemental data collection. Based on the timing of your data submission and when reports are generated, it may take several weeks for exclusions to be reflected on your reports.

Please note, if exclusions are not coded properly or given to Anthem Blue Cross (Anthem) in the proper format, the care gap will remain open until the failure reason is corrected. Patients listed on the open care gap report are assumed to tolerate statin therapy and will have their care gaps closed after claims for moderate to high intensity statins are adjudicated by Anthem.

Tips for implementing best practices and improving your quality scores:

  • Educate your patients on the importance of adhering to their statin therapy regime and on potential side effects. If they start to experience muscle pain or weakness, have them contact you to discuss their options.
  • Statin therapy should also be accompanied by lifestyle modifications, such as a healthy diet and exercise. Work with your patients to proactively identify and overcome any barriers that may prevent lifestyle modifications. Discuss creating a realistic, individualized exercise routine based on the patient’s ability and interests. Encourage a healthy diet based on the patient’s culture and locally available produce, stores, and resources.

If you have any questions or concerns about Anthem Blue Cross contact one of our Medi-Cal Customer Care Centers at 800-407-4627 (outside L.A. county) or 800-285-7801 (inside L.A. county). For L.A. care only: 800-285-7801. Providers can refer to the number on the back of the patient’s member ID card for Provider Services.


HEDIS® is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).


AdministrativeCommercialMedicare AdvantageMedicaidMarch 31, 2023

Attention lab providers: COVID-19 update regarding reimbursement

Reimbursement changes to COVID-19 laboratory services codes for Commercial, and Medicare Advantage and Medicaid 

Beginning with dates of service on or after May 12, 2023, representing the end of the COVID Public Health Emergency (PHE), or if extended, such later date, reimbursement for COVID-19 laboratory services codes will be reduced for laboratory providers contracted as Independent Laboratory (Ancillary) providers and participating in an Anthem Blue Cross (Anthem) independent laboratory provider network.

New COVID-19 laboratory service codes were implemented and reimbursed at rates to meet the needs of laboratory providers during the PHE. This notice is to inform you that reimbursement will be revised to Anthem’s standard reimbursement methodology for Independent laboratory providers for the following codes once the PHE has ended: 


























The revised standard fee schedule for the COVID-19 laboratory services codes outlined above to take effect upon the expiration of the PHE, May 11, 2023, can be viewed on Availity.com.

If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact your designated Ancillary Provider Network Manager. Please incorporate this notice into your Anthem provider agreement folder.


AdministrativeCommercialMarch 31, 2023

Helping to reduce delays when submitting attachments

Make sure your correspondence includes one of these elements

The best way to send supporting documents when disputing, appealing, or sending us additional information about a claim is to use the digital applications available on Availity.com.* Using Availity.com to send attachments, such as medical records or an itemized bill, is:

  • We’ll receive the documents needed faster than through the mail.
  • Less expensive. No need to pull records, copy them, and then mail them. Digital submissions can be uploaded directly to the claim.
  • Submitting attachments digitally is the easiest way to send them and the best way for us to receive them.
  • More accurate. The information needed to identify the claim is automated, so the risk associated with submitting incorrect information on paper is eliminated.

However, if you choose to send documentation through the mail, it is important that you include at least one of the three following elements; otherwise, we will not be able to match the document to the claim and the correspondence will be returned to you, causing further delays:

  1. Valid claim number and valid member ID
  1. Valid member ID with prefix and correct dates of service
  1. Valid member ID with prefix and billed charges

For a clinical appeal, ensure these elements are included:

  1. Valid claim number and valid member ID
  1. Valid member ID with prefix and correct dates of service
  1. Valid member ID with prefix and billed charges
  1. Member name, member date of birth, and correct dates of service
  1. Member name, member date of birth, and authorization or reference number

This is important: We cannot match the attachment to the correct claim or member if these elements are not included with your non-digital (fax or mail) submission.

The preferred method for submitting supporting documentation is digitally because the documents are attached directly to the claim. This reduces the possibility that incorrect information is included on the paper submission.

To attach documents to your claim digitally, go to Availity.com and use the Claims & Payments tab to access Claims Status. Enter the necessary information to find your claim and use the Submit Attachments button to upload your supporting documentation.

For a claim dispute or an appeal, from Availity.com, use the Claims & Payments tab to access Claims Status. Enter the necessary information to find your claim, use the Dispute button, and upload your supporting documentation. If the Dispute button capability is not available, refer to the provider manual for information about how to file a claim dispute/appeal.

If you do send supporting documentation through the mail or fax, you must include the elements noted above. It is preferable that you include this information on the first page of the correspondence you send to us. If this information is not included on your paper correspondence, we will return the correspondence to you because we are not able to validate the documentation.

For information about submitting attachments digitally, use this link to access Availity: Learn about the new claim attachments workflow.

* Availity, LLC is an independent company providing administrative support services on behalf of health plan.


AdministrativeCommercialMarch 31, 2023

Confidential communication of medical information

As a reminder, Assembly Bill 1184 (AB), confidential communication of medical information codified in Civil Code §§ 56.05, 56.35 and 56.107, requires health plans, on or after July 1, 2022, to protect the confidentiality of a subscriber or enrollee’s medical information, to not require a protected individual to obtain the primary subscriber or other enrollee’s authorization to receive sensitive services or submit a claim for sensitive services if the protected individual has the right to consent to care. 

AB 1184 also requires plans to direct certain communications regarding a protected individual’s receipt of sensitive services directly to the protected individual receiving care and requires plans to notify subscribers and enrollees that they may request a confidential communication in the following methods:

  • Upon initial enrollment and annually thereafter upon renewal
  • In the explanation of coverage (EOC)
  • On the plan’s website 

The law also prohibits plans from disclosing medical information relating to sensitive health services provided to a protected individual to the primary subscriber or any plan enrollees other than the protected individual receiving care, absent express written authorization from the protected individual receiving care.


AdministrativeCommercialMarch 31, 2023

CAA: Maintain your online provider directory information

Maintaining your online provider directory information is essential for members and healthcare partners to connect with you when needed. Please review your information frequently and let us know if any of your information we show in our online directory has changed.

Submit updates and corrections to your online directory information by using our online Provider Maintenance Form. Once you submit the form, we will send you an email acknowledging receipt of your request. Update options include:

  • Add/change an address location
  • Name change
  • Provider leaving a group or a single location
  • Phone/fax number changes
  • Closing a practice location

The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) implemented in 2021 contains a provision that requires online provider directory information be reviewed and updated as needed at least every 90 days. Reviewing your information helps us ensure your online provider directory information is current.


Digital SolutionsCommercialMedicare AdvantageMedicaidMarch 31, 2023

Survey for all skilled nursing facilities

To help inform referrals and placements, we are asking all skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) to complete the following survey, which will allow us to have the most up-to-date information about your facility and allow us to provide the best possible service to you and to our members — your patients.

Please visit https://chkmkt.com/SNFCapabilitySurvey to complete the survey. It should only take about 10 minutes of your time.


Digital SolutionsCommercialMarch 31, 2023

Submitting prior authorizations is getting easier

Anthem Blue Cross (Anthem) is transitioning to the authorization application in Availity Essentials.* You may already be familiar with the Availity multi-payer authorization app because thousands of care providers are already using it for submitting prior authorizations for other payers. In late April, Anthem is making it available to our care provider partners, too.

Interactive Care Reviewer (ICR) is still available

If you need to refer to an authorization that was submitted through ICR, you will still have access to that information. We’ve developed a pathway to access your ICR dashboard. You will simply follow the prompts provided through the Availity authorization app. To make it even more convenient, you can pin your authorizations from the ICR application to your Availity authorization app dashboard.

Innovation in process

While we grow the Availity authorization app to provide you with Anthem-specific information, you can still access ICR for:

  • Appeals.
  • Behavioral health authorizations and inquiries.
  • Federal Employee Program® authorizations and inquiries.
  • HealthLink authorizations and inquiries.
  • Medical specialty Rx authorizations and inquiries.

Notices in the Availity authorization app will guide you through the process for accessing ICR for alternate authorization and appeals functions.

Training is available 

If you aren’t already familiar with the Availity authorization app, training is available. Visit the training site to enroll for an upcoming live webcast or to access an on-demand recording at the Availity Authorization Training Site

Now, give it a try!

Accessing the Availity authorization app is easy. Ask your organization’s Availity administrator to ensure you have the authorization role assignment. Without the role assignment, you will not be able to access the authorization application. Then, just log onto Availity.com to access the app through the Patient Registration tab by selecting Authorizations and Referrals.

*Availity, LLC is an independent company providing administrative support services on behalf of the health plan.

CABC-CM-021186-23 -CPN20108

Education & TrainingMedicaidMarch 31, 2023

Ready, set, renew!

It’s time for some of your patients to renew their Medi-Cal benefits. As states begin to recommence Medi-Cal renewals, we want to ensure you have the information needed to help your Medi-Cal patients renew their healthcare coverage. Some patients have never had to renew their coverage at all, while other patients may have forgotten the process entirely.

We’re here to help.

What steps do my patients need to take?

  • Ready: Patient gets their documents ready.
  • Set: Patient ensures their form is all set.
  • Renew: Patient sends renewal form:

What if I need assistance?

Availity Chat with Payer is available during normal business hours. Get answers to your questions about eligibility, benefits, authorizations, claims status, and more. To access Availity Essentials,* go to availity.com and select the appropriate payer space tile from the drop-down. Then, select Chat with Payer and complete the pre-chat form to start your chat.

For additional support, visit the Contact Us section at the bottom of our provider website for the appropriate contact.

* Availity, LLC is an independent company providing administrative support services on behalf of the health plan.

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Cross of California Partnership Plan, Inc. are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Blue Cross of California is contracted with L.A. Care Health Plan to provide Medi-Cal Managed Care services in Los Angeles County. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.

CABC-CD-017951-22-CPN16407, CABC-CD-047499-23-CPN047298, CABC-CD-056715-24-CPN56608

Products & ProgramsCommercialMarch 31, 2023

Let’s Vaccinate

If your practice is looking for ways to improve your vaccination strategy and help protect the health of your patients through vaccines, we can help. Let’s Vaccinate provides ready-to-use resources and strategies to help your care team increase vaccination rates.

Let’s Vaccinate https://www.letsvaccinate.org/ was redesigned to help you increase vaccination rates among your patients through ready-to-use resources that focus on the two main strategies that most directly impact your vaccination rates: one) optimizing your office workflows and two) enhancing patient engagement.  

Optimizing office workflows

Let’s Vaccinate can help your care team improve office workflows during and after office visits, as well as for proactive patient outreach. The website includes resources and strategies for:

  • Leveraging electronic health record systems (EHR) to help with vaccine assessments, reminders, and documentation.
  • Customizing outreach to influence your patients’ decisions to get vaccinated.
  • Implementing recommended office workflows to help ensure that patients are getting the vaccines they need.

Enhancing patient engagement

Let’s Vaccinate can help your care team improve patient communication by allowing them to better understand the many social, geographic, political, economic, and environmental factors that create challenges to vaccination access, and address patients’ feelings about vaccine safety. The website includes resources and strategies for:

  • Making strong recommendations.
  • Addressing vaccine hesitancy and disparities.
  • Using effective patient education handouts and toolkits.

Keeping your patients healthy and safe requires the collaboration of your entire care team. The power is in your hands. So, let’s get started!

Let’s Vaccinate is a collaboration of health plans, HealthyWomen, and Pfizer Inc.

* Let’s Vaccinate, in collaboration with HealthyWomen and Pfizer, Inc., is an independent initiative providing vaccine information on behalf of the health plan.


Products & ProgramsCommercialMedicare AdvantageMarch 31, 2023

Pay Doctor Bill (provider payment option) - General FAQ

Q: What is Pay Doctor Bill? 

A: Anthem contracted with a vendor to deliver options for consumers to view their claims and pay their out-of-pocket responsibility to doctors from the Sydney Health mobile app or from https://www.anthem.com/ca/provider. This is not related to the payment of health insurance premiums.

Q: What is happening with the Pay Doctor Bill option? 

A: Anthem will stop offering this option to consumers effective March 31, 2023.

Q: Why is Pay Doctor Bill going away?

A: This was not a good overall consumer (and provider) experience. We are always committed to keeping consumers at the center of everything we do and will be exploring other options.

Q: What other options will consumers have to pay doctor bills? 

A: Even though this option will no longer be available, consumers still have other ways of paying doctors:

  • Through a Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) if they have this type of account
  • Through the consumer’s bank’s bill pay feature on a mobile app or website
  • Directly through the doctor’s secure payment website or at the doctor’s office with a debit or credit card

Q: How will consumers be notified that the feature is going away? 

A: A month prior to the Pay Doctor Bill option being removed from the Sydney Health mobile app and the Anthem website, we will notify consumers within these applications.

Q: How will providers be notified that the feature is going away? 

A: Providers will be notified about these changes in the March 1, 2023, provider newsletter.

Q: Who is the vendor that provides consumers with access to this provider payment option?

A: InstaMed* is the name of the vendor.

* InstaMed is an independent company providing consumers with access to provider payment options on behalf of the health plan.


Federal Employee Program (FEP)CommercialMarch 31, 2023

HEDIS 2023 Federal Employee Program medical record request requirements

Reveleer* is the contracted vendor to gather consumer medical records on behalf of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Federal Employee Program®. We value the relationship with our providers and ask that you respond to the detailed requests in support of risk adjustment, HEDIS®, and other government required activities within the requested timeframe. Reveleer will work with you to obtain records via fax, mail, remote electronic medical record (EMR) access, or onsite scanning/EMR download (as necessary). We ask that you please promptly comply within five business days of the record requests. If you have any questions, you can reach a Reveleer representative by calling 855-454-6182 or contact Pragna Halder with Blue Cross and Blue Shield Federal Employee Program at 202-942-1186.

HEDIS® is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).
* Reveleer is an independent company providing medical record review services on behalf of the health plan.


PharmacyCommercialMarch 31, 2023

Pharmacy information available on our provider website

Visit the Drug Lists page on our provider website at https://www.anthem.com/ms/pharmacyinformation/home.html for more information about:

  • Copayment/coinsurance requirements and their applicable drug classes.
  • Drug lists and changes.
  • Prior authorization criteria.
  • Procedures for generic substitution.
  • Therapeutic interchange.
  • Step therapy or other management methods subject to prescribing decisions.
  • Any other requirements, restrictions, or limitations that apply to using certain drugs.

The commercial and exchange drug lists are posted to the website quarterly on the first day of the month in January, April, July, and October.

To locate the exchange, select Formulary and Pharmacy Information, and scroll down to Select Drug Lists. This drug list is also reviewed and updated regularly as needed.

Federal Employee Program pharmacy updates and other pharmacy related information may be accessed at www.fepblue.org > Pharmacy Benefits.


State & FederalMedicaidMarch 31, 2023

Keep up with Medi-Cal news - April 2023

State & FederalMedicare AdvantageMarch 31, 2023


Medicare Advantage allows coverage of online evaluation and management services for an established patient when all requirements have been met. The communication between patient and doctor is a cumulative of seven days and with at least the minimum of the minutes for the CPT® code being billed. Any services amounting to less than five minutes would not be appropriate to bill as an e-visit

CPT code



Online digital evaluation and management service, for an established patient, for up to seven days, cumulative time during the seven days; 5 to 10 minutes


Online digital evaluation and management service, for an established patient, for up to seven days, cumulative time during the seven days; 11 to 20 minutes


Online digital evaluation and management service, for an established patient, for up to seven days, cumulative time during the seven days; 21 or more minutes


Qualified nonphysician healthcare professional online digital assessment and management, for an established patient, for up to seven days, cumulative time during the seven days; 5 to 10 minutes


Qualified nonphysician healthcare professional online digital assessment and management, for an established patient, for up to seven days, cumulative time during the seven days; 11 to 20 minutes


Qualified nonphysician healthcare professional online digital assessment and management, for an established patient, for up to seven days, cumulative time during the seven days; 21 or more minutes

Here is a communication by CMS to help with further questions,



State & FederalMedicare AdvantageMarch 31, 2023

Keep up with Medicare News - April 2023