June 2022 Anthem Provider News - Virginia


AdministrativeAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Provider outreach to validate your provider data

AdministrativeAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Consolidated Appropriations Act: Provider directories accuracy is important

AdministrativeAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Once-a-year testing is critically important to providing quality diabetes care

AdministrativeAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Exploring the Intersection of Race and Disability

Behavioral HealthAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Opioid overdose deaths: What can we do?

Coverage and Clinical GuidelinesAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Updates to AIM Specialty Health sleep disorder management clinical appropriateness guidelines

Coverage and Clinical GuidelinesAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Updates to AIM Specialty Health advanced imaging clinical appropriateness guidelines

Coverage and Clinical GuidelinesAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Updates to AIM Specialty Health musculoskeletal clinical appropriateness guidelines

Products & ProgramsAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

REMINDER: New Rehabilitation program effective August 1, 2022

Products & ProgramsAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Updated AIM Musculoskeletal Program effective September 1, 2022: Site of care reviews

Products & ProgramsAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Updated AIM Musculoskeletal Program effective October 1, 2022: Monitored Anesthesia Care reviews

Federal Employee Program (FEP)Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Process change for Federal Employee Program® third-party correspondence requests

PharmacyAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Specialty pharmacy updates effective September 1, 2022

PharmacyAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Anthem clinical criteria updates for specialty pharmacy are available

State & FederalAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | Medicare AdvantageJune 1, 2022

Keep up with Medicare news: June 2022

State & FederalAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | Medicare AdvantageJune 1, 2022

Medical Policies and Clinical Utilization Management Guidelines update

State & FederalAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | Medicare AdvantageJune 1, 2022

Medical drug benefit Clinical Criteria updates

State & FederalAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | Medicare AdvantageJune 1, 2022

Updates to AIM Specialty Health Advanced Imaging Clinical Appropriateness Guidelines

State & FederalAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | Medicare AdvantageJune 1, 2022

Provider notice for COVID-19 testing

State & FederalHealthKeepers, Inc. | Anthem HealthKeepers Plus Medicaid productsJune 1, 2022

Keep up with Medicaid news: June 2022

State & FederalHealthKeepers, Inc. | Anthem HealthKeepers Plus Medicaid productsJune 1, 2022

Medical Policies and Clinical Utilization Management Guidelines update

State & FederalHealthKeepers, Inc. | Anthem HealthKeepers Plus Medicaid productsJune 1, 2022

Medical drug benefit Clinical Criteria updates

State & FederalHealthKeepers, Inc. | Anthem HealthKeepers Plus Medicaid productsJune 1, 2022

Updates to AIM Specialty Health Advanced Imaging Clinical Appropriateness Guidelines

State & FederalHealthKeepers, Inc. | Anthem HealthKeepers Plus Medicaid productsJune 1, 2022

Provider notice for COVID-19 testing

AdministrativeAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Provider outreach to validate your provider data

Beginning in June 2022, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) and our affiliate HealthKeepers, Inc. will implement new processes for providers to validate the information we have in our online provider directories.


Individual providers


Anthem is partnering with CAQH to assist us in validation for individual providers. Providers will receive communications from CAQH asking them to register for CAQH ProView®, the online provider data-collection service, where providers can review and verify their information, as well as provide updates that may be needed.


Facilities and groups


Anthem is also partnering with First Source to assist us in validating information for facilities and groups. A file will be sent to providers with the information we have in our systems. We are asking that providers review this file, validate correct information and provide updates as needed.

If you have questions, please contact Provider Services.



AdministrativeAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Consolidated Appropriations Act: Provider directories accuracy is important

The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), effective January 1, 2022, contains a provision that requires online provider directory information be reviewed and updated (if needed) at least every 90 days. Please review your demographic information in our online Find Care tool to ensure members and fellow providers can reach you.


Submit your updates by using our online Provider Maintenance Form. Update options include:


  • Add/change an address location
  • Name change
  • Taxpayer identification number (TIN) changes
  • Provider leaving a group or a single location
  • Phone/fax number changes
  • Closing a practice location


You will receive an email to acknowledge your submitted Provider Maintenance Form. Visit the Provider Maintenance Form landing page for complete instructions.


Thank you for doing your part to help keep our online provider directories up to date.



AdministrativeAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Once-a-year testing is critically important to providing quality diabetes care

One in every 10 Americans have diabetes, but one in every five don’t know they have it. This makes annual testing important to those who have symptoms. For those patients who are diagnosed, testing is vitally important to reducing serious health complications and the costs associated with them. It isn’t always easy to help patients understand the need for annual testing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has resources you can use in your practice to educate, inform, and hopefully motivate your patients. Visit their website cdc.gov and use their Health Care Providers section to access patient education programs, prevention toolkits and more.

Measure up


Comprehensive Diabetes Care (CDC): This HEDIS® measure evaluates Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield members aged 18 to 75 years with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Each year, members with type 1 or type 2 diabetes should have:


  • Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) testing - HbA1c control (< 8%)
  • Eye exam (retinal) performed
  • Evaluation for kidney disease
  • BP control (< 140/90 mm Hg)


Code type




Type 1 diabetes mellitus without complications



Type 2 diabetes mellitus without complications



Other specified diabetes mellitus without complications



HEDIS® is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).


AdministrativeAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Exploring the Intersection of Race and Disability

Register today for the Exploring the Intersection of Race and Disability forum hosted by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) and Motivo* for Anthem providers on June 22, 2022.


Anthem is committed to making healthcare simpler and reducing health disparities. We believe that open discussions about the disability experience for people of and reducing implicit bias are critical to improving the health and wellbeing of all Americans and the communities in which we live and serve.


Please join us to hear from a diverse panel of experienced professionals from Motivo and Anthem about the intersection of disability and race on our health and wellbeing. This forum will explore ways we can advance equity in healthcare, demonstrate cultural humility, address and deconstruct bias, have difficult and productive conversations, learn about valuable resources, and increase the diversity of the healthcare profession.    


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET


Please register for this event by June 22, 2022


* Motivo is an independent company providing a virtual forum on behalf of Anthem.


Behavioral HealthAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Opioid overdose deaths: What can we do?

In our efforts to improve the health of humanity, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) and our affiliate HealthKeepers, Inc. have made a long-term commitment to reducing morbidity and mortality associated with substance use disorder (SUD). In recent years, with a focus on primary and secondary prevention, we’ve seen significant reductions in the use of inappropriate opioid prescriptions for acute and chronic pain as well as the promotion of and increased use of safe alternatives for pain management. Similarly, Anthem has been a leader in increasing access to evidence-based treatment for substance use disorders including medication for addiction treatment (MAT).


Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has hindered the nation’s progress as evidenced by a 30% rise in deaths from overdose that the nation has experienced with the majority being from opioids (CDC). The impact on overdose rates from the pandemic requires that we also increase our efforts at preventing deaths from opioid overdose. Specifically, there is a need/opportunity to work collaboratively with our partners in the community to increase access to the opioid overdose reversal drug naloxone (aka “Narcan”).  Anthem’s internal claims data from the second quarter of 2021 shows that approximately 20% of members experiencing a non-fatal opioid overdose are starting and continuing with medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) which can include buprenorphine, methadone or naltrexone. However, only 7% of these members have evidence of filling a prescription for naloxone. These rates have improved from a 2015 baseline of approximately 1%, but we have significant room for improvement.


What can we do to address this?


First, be an advocate for destigmatizing substance use disorders by supporting efforts to improve access to MOUD and harm reduction strategies including the use naloxone. We can learn more at www.Shatterproof.org, which is an organization that Anthem has historically supported.


Second, educate your patients about substance use disorders including how to spot them in a loved one, and how to support them when considering change. Visit https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/recovery for more information.


Third, learn more about the life saving opioid overdose reversal drug naloxone including how to obtain it, and how to administer it. See www.getnaloxonenow.org for more information.  



Coverage and Clinical GuidelinesAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Updates to AIM Specialty Health sleep disorder management clinical appropriateness guidelines

Effective for dates of service on and after September 11, 2022, the following updates will apply to the AIM Specialty Health sleep disorder management clinical appropriateness guidelines. As part of the AIM guideline annual review process, these updates are focused on advancing efforts to drive clinically appropriate, safe, and affordable healthcare services.


  • Established sleep disorder (OSA or other) – follow-up laboratory studies – added indication for one follow-up in-lab sleep study as appropriate following insertion of a hypoglossal nerve stimulator
  • Multiple Sleep Latency Testing (MSLT) and/or Maintenance of Wakefulness Testing (MWT) – new indication for MWT in occupational safety evaluation
  • Management of OSA using Oral Appliances (OA) – limit guideline for oral appliance use to patients 16 years and older

As a reminder, ordering and servicing providers may submit prior authorization requests to AIM in one of several ways:

  • Access AIM’s ProviderPortalSM directly at providerportal.com.
    • Online access is available 24/7 to process orders in real-time and is the fastest and most convenient way to request authorization.
  • Access AIM via the Availity Web Portal at availity.com.
  • Call the AIM Contact Center toll-free number: 866-789-0158, Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET. 


For questions related to guidelines, please contact AIM via email at aim.guidelines@aimspecialtyhealth.com. Additionally, you may access and download a copy of the current and upcoming guidelines.



Coverage and Clinical GuidelinesAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Updates to AIM Specialty Health advanced imaging clinical appropriateness guidelines

This communication applies to the Commercial and Medicare Advantage programs from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem).


Effective for dates of service on and after September 11, 2022, the following updates will apply to the AIM Specialty Health advanced imaging clinical appropriateness guidelines. As part of the AIM guideline annual review process, these updates are focused on advancing efforts to drive clinically appropriate, safe, and affordable health care services.


Updates by Guideline


Imaging of the Spine:

  • Perioperative and periprocedural imaging – added requirement for initial evaluation with radiographs


Imaging of the Extremities:

  • Trauma – added CT as an alternative to MRI for tibial plateau fracture; added indication for evaluation of supracondylar fracture
  • Rotator cuff tear – combined acute and chronic rotator cuff tear criteria; standardized conservative management duration to 6 weeks
  • Shoulder arthroplasty – modified language to clarify intent regarding limited scenarios where advanced imaging is indicated for total shoulder arthroplasty
  • Perioperative imaging – excluded robotic-assisted hip arthroplasty as robotic-assisted surgery in general does not provide net benefit over conventional arthroplasty


Vascular Imaging:

  • Stenosis or occlusion, extracranial carotid arteries - New indications for post neck irradiation, incidental carotid calcification scenarios.
  • Stroke/TIA, extracranial evaluation - Subacute stroke/TIA: CTA/MRA Neck allowed without prerequisite ultrasound (US), in alignment with 2021 AHA/ASA guidelines.
  • Chronic stroke/TIA - New indication; modality approach by circulation presentation.
  • Pulmonary Embolism - Removal of nondiagnostic CXR requirement (lower threshold for elevated D-dimer scenarios, thrombosis related to COVID infection, etc.).
  • Imaging study modality and/or site expansion - Pulsatile Tinnitus, Acute Aortic Syndrome, Abdominal venous thrombosis
  • Stenosis or occlusion, extracranial carotid arteries - Post-revascularization scenario aligned with SVS guidelines to allow annual surveillance regardless of residual stenosis.
  • Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta or iliac arteries - Management/surveillance scenarios aligned with SVS guidelines.
  • Upper or Lower Extremity Peripheral arterial disease (PAD):
    • Suspected PAD without physiologic testing (including exercise testing) not indicated
    • New indication for Popliteal artery aneurysm US surveillance post-repair (2021 SVS guidelines)

As a reminder, ordering and servicing providers may submit prior authorization requests to AIM in one of several ways:

  • Access AIM’s ProviderPortalSM directly at providerportal.com.
    • Online access is available 24/7 to process orders in real-time and is the fastest and most convenient way to request authorization.
  • Access AIM via the Availity Web Portal at availity.com.
  • Call the AIM Contact Center toll-free number: 866-789-0158, Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET.


For questions related to guidelines, please contact AIM via email at aim.guidelines@aimspecialtyhealth.com. Additionally, you may access and download a copy of the current and upcoming guidelines.



Coverage and Clinical GuidelinesAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Updates to AIM Specialty Health musculoskeletal clinical appropriateness guidelines

Effective for dates of service on and after September 11, 2022, the following updates will apply to the AIM Specialty Health musculoskeletal clinical appropriateness guidelines. As part of the AIM guideline annual review process, these updates are focused on advancing efforts to drive clinically appropriate, safe, and affordable health care services.


Updates by guideline


Spine surgery:

  • Lumbar disc arthroplasty – add indication for 2-level lumbar disc arthroplasty when using a 2-level FDA-approved implant
  • Lumbar discectomy – remove exclusion for annular closure devices (note: medical necessity of the implant is determined by health plan medical policy)
  • Lumbar fusion – remove exclusion for anterior lumbar interbody fusion for indirect lumbar decompression in the absence of instability
  • Cervical decompression with or without Fusion – add criteria for when revision or replacement may be medically necessary
  • Cervical disc arthroplasty – add criteria for when revision or replacement may be medically necessary
  • Two-level cervical disc arthroplasty – add indication for second level arthroplasty when prior arthroplasty already performed
  • Lumbar disc arthroplasty – add requirement to manage underlying psychiatric disorder; add contraindications including prior fusion, poorly managed psychiatric disorder, chronic radiculopathy; add exclusion for prior lumbar fusion
  • Scheurmann’s kyphosis – removed “associated neurological deficits” as a clinical consideration 
  • Scoliosis – expand indication to include thoracic for progressive adolescent idiopathic scoliosis; increased Cobb angle for skeletally mature patients to greater than 50 degrees 
  • Spinal stenosis – require surgeon’s interpretation of flexion-extension lateral spine x-ray documented in the medical record; added indications for recurrent stenosis, adjacent-level stenosis after a prior fusion, and planned indirect decompression via anterior approach decompression via anterior approach


Joint surgery:

  • Total shoulder arthroplasty – add fracture indication for total shoulder arthroplasty (although reverse total shoulder arthroplasty is preferred) to align with AAOS feedback
  • Total shoulder arthroplasty – add exception for Kellgren-Lawrence grade 4 to be consistent with total knee and total hip arthroplasty
  • Hemiarthroplasty – added indications for hemiarthroplasty for glenohumeral arthritis with irreparable rotator cuff and for malignancy involving the glenohumeral joint or surrounding soft tissue
  • Reverse shoulder arthroplasty – add indication when glenoid bone stock inadequate to support anatomic glenoid prosthesis
  • Labrum repair – remove requirement that MRI-demonstrated SLAP lesion is traumatic in nature
  • Adhesive capsulitis – match requirements in knee arthroscopy; reduce timeframe of conservative management to 6 weeks post-surgery for lysis of adhesions/capsular release and MUA
  • Total knee arthroplasty – add patellofemoral osteoarthritis as an indication for total knee arthroplasty
  • Knee arthroscopy – new indication for abrasion arthroplasty/microfracture
  • Knee/arthroscopically assisted lysis of adhesions – remove 12-week post-surgery requirement
  • Knee/manipulation under anesthesia – remove 12-week post-surgery requirement
  • Treatment of osteochondral defects – remove BMI 35 or less from patient selection criteria
  • Autologous chondrocyte implantation – Added contraindications from MACI package insert, including severe osteoarthritis, inflammatory joint disease, knee surgery other than biopsy or MACI preparation, and inability to cooperate with postoperative rehab program


Small joint surgery:

  • Hallux rigidus – add criteria for select implant arthroplasties in great toe; remove exclusion for percutaneous osteotomy
  • Hallux valgus/bunionette – remove exclusion for implant arthroplasties
  • Lesser toe deformities – remove exclusions for implant arthroplasties and intramedullary fixation devices
  • First metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis – remove requirement for 6 months of symptoms
  • First metatarsophalangeal joint arthroplasty – new indication
  • Hallux rigidus/exclusions – clarified specific types of excluded implants; excluded metatarsophalangeal joint arthroplasties for any other indications; excluded peripheral neuropathy/Charcot joint


Sacroiliac joint (SU) fusion:

  • Expand indication to include any FDA-approved minimally invasive/percutaneous SI joint fusion device with fixation
  • Require a trial of at least one therapeutic intra-articular SI joint injection
  • New criteria for revision minimally invasive SI joint fusion
  • Add exclusion for posterior (dorsal) minimally invasive SI joint fusion procedures using only bone grafts and no internal fixation device

As a reminder, ordering and servicing providers may submit prior authorization requests to AIM in one of several ways:

  • Access AIM’s ProviderPortalSM directly at providerportal.com
    • Online access is available 24/7 to process orders in real-time and is the fastest and most convenient way to request authorization.
  • Access AIM via the Availity Web Portal at availity.com
  • Call the AIM Contact Center toll-free number: 866-789-0158, Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET.


For questions related to guidelines, please contact AIM via email at aim.guidelines@aimspecialtyhealth.com . Additionally, you may access and download a copy of the current and upcoming guidelines.



Products & ProgramsAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

REMINDER: New Rehabilitation program effective August 1, 2022

As previously communicated in the May 2022 edition of Anthem Provider News, effective August 1, 2022, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Virginia and our affiliate HealthKeepers, Inc. will transition medical necessity review of physical, occupational, and speech therapy services to AIM Specialty Health® (AIM) – a separate company.


The new Rehabilitation program reviews certain treatment plans against clinical appropriateness criteria to help ensure that care aligns with established evidence-based medicine.  Anthem in Virginia will be utilizing the AIM Outpatient Rehabilitative and Habilitative Services clinical guidelines. Any qualified providers acting within the scope of their license who intend to provide therapy services are required to obtain a prior authorization from AIM. 


Note: Chiropractors performing therapy services are not required to obtain a prior authorization from AIM due to the current American Specialty Health (ASH) chiropractor utilization management program.


For therapy services that are scheduled to begin on or after August 1, 2022, all providers must contact AIM to obtain prior authorization for the following non-emergency modalities:


  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy


For more information:


AIM provider website helps you learn more about the program and provides access to useful information and tools such as order entry checklists, clinical guidelines, and FAQs.  To learn more about AIM, please visit www.aimspecialtyhealth.com.


To help you prepare for this program, Anthem in Virginia and AIM are hosting a series of live webinar sessions and Q & A only webinar sessions that are designed for providers and office staff who will be requesting prior authorization. Please register to attend at least one training opportunity. Facilities are highly encouraged to attend an AIM training opportunity. AIM solution specific training content will be made available to you upon completion of registration and prior to attending a webinar session. Reviewing the material ahead of the training will allow your facility to bring relevant questions to be addressed during the training.





Live Webinar Session with Q & A

Tuesday, June 21, 2022       

3 p.m. EST

Register June 21 Webinar


Live Webinar Session with Q & A

Tuesday, July 5, 2022            

3 p.m. EST

Register July 5 Webinar


Q & A Only Session

Tuesday, July 12, 2022         

3 p.m. EST

Register July 12 Webinar


Q & A Only Session

Tuesday, July 26, 2022         

3 p.m. EST

Register July 26 Webinar

Q & A Only Session

Thursday, August 11, 2022
2 p.m. EST

Register August 11 Webinar



How to submit a request for review


Starting July 18, 2022, providers can begin submitting requests for review or verify order numbers using one of the following methods:


The AIM ProviderPortalSM is available 24/7, fully interactive, and processes requests in real-time using clinical criteria. To register, go to https://aimspecialtyhealth.com/providerportal/. Registration opens July 18, 2022.

By Phone

Call AIM Specialty Health toll free at 866-789-0158, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET.


Anthem and HealthKeepers, Inc. value your participation in our networks, as well as the services you provide. We look forward to working with you to help improve the health of our members.



Products & ProgramsAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Updated AIM Musculoskeletal Program effective September 1, 2022: Site of care reviews

Effective September 1, 2022, AIM Specialty Health® (AIM), a separate company, will expand the AIM Musculoskeletal Program to perform medical necessity review of the requested site of service for certain spine, joint and interventional pain procedures for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s (Anthem) fully insured members, as outlined below. 


AIM will continue to manage the AIM Musculoskeletal program and level of care review. The AIM Level of Care Guideline for Musculoskeletal Surgery and Procedures is used for the level of care review.  Prior authorization will now also be required for the clinical appropriateness of the site in which the procedure is performed (site of care).  AIM will use the following Anthem Clinical UM Guideline: CG-SURG-52: Site of Care: Hospital-Based Ambulatory Surgical Procedures and Endoscopic Services. The clinical criteria to be used for these reviews can be found on the Anthem provider portal Coverage Guidelines & Clinical UM Guidelines pagePlease note, this does not apply to procedures performed on an emergent basis.


A subset of the AIM Musculoskeletal Program codes will be reviewed for site of care.  A complete list of CPT codes requiring prior authorization for the AIM Musculoskeletal site of care program is available on the AIM Musculoskeletal microsite. To determine if prior authorization for the AIM Musculoskeletal Program applies for an Anthem member on or after September 1, 2022, contact the Anthem Provider Services phone number on the back of the member’s ID card.    AIM will also have a file from Anthem of the membership for whom the program applies and will not provide prior authorization for members for whom the program does not apply.  NOTE:  If providers attempt to use the Interactive Care Reviewer (ICR) tool on the Availity Portal to pre-certify an outpatient musculoskeletal case, ICR will produce a message referring the provider to AIM. (ICR cannot accept prior authorization requests for services administered by AIM.)


Members included in the new program


All fully insured members currently participating in the AIM Musculoskeletal Program are included. This program will be offered to self-funded (ASO) groups that currently participate in the AIM Musculoskeletal Program to add to their members’ benefit packages as of September 1, 2022.  Members enrolled in the following are excluded:  Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, Medicare, Medicare supplement, Medicare Advantage Group Retiree Solutions (MA GRS), and the Federal Employee Program® (FEP®). 


Pre-service review requirements


For services scheduled to begin on or after September 1, 2022, providers must contact AIM to obtain prior authorization.  Ordering and servicing providers may begin contacting AIM on August 15, 2022.

Providers may submit prior authorization requests to AIM in one of several ways:


  • Access AIM’s ProviderPortalSM directly at providerportal.com. Online access is available 24/7 to process orders in real-time and is the fastest and most convenient way to request authorization.
  • Access AIM via the Availity Web Portal at availity.com.
  • Call the AIM Contact Center toll-free number at 866-789-0158, Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET.


Initiating a request on AIM’s ProviderPortalSM and entering all the requested clinical questions will allow you to receive an immediate determination.  If the request is approved, you will receive the order ID, number of visits and valid time frame. The AIM Musculoskeletal Program microsite on the AIM provider portal helps you learn more and access helpful information and tools such as order entry checklists.


AIM Musculoskeletal training webinars


Anthem invites you to take advantage of a free informational webinar that will introduce you to the program and the robust capabilities of the AIM ProviderPortalSM.  Go to the AIM Musculoskeletal microsite to register for an upcoming webinar.  If you have previously registered for other services managed by AIM, there is no need to register again.


We value your participation in our network and look forward to working with you to help improve the health of our members.



Products & ProgramsAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Updated AIM Musculoskeletal Program effective October 1, 2022: Monitored Anesthesia Care reviews

Effective October 1, 2022, AIM Specialty Health® (AIM), a separate company, will enhance the AIM Musculoskeletal program by adding a Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) for Interventional Pain component to perform medical necessity review of monitored anesthesia, or conscious sedation, when performing certain interventional pain procedures for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s (Anthem) fully insured members, as further outlined below. 


Prior authorization will now be required for the clinical appropriateness of monitored anesthesia services when pain management clinician requests in conjunction with interventional pain codes.  It is the obligation of the requesting provider to have available the health plan’s determination for the Anesthesiologist on the day of the procedure. AIM will use the following Anthem Clinical UM Guideline: CG-Med-78: Anesthesia Services for Interventional Pain Management Procedures. The clinical criteria to be used for these reviews can be found on the Coverage Guidelines & Clinical UM Guidelines page on anthem.com.   Clinical site of care may also be applicable if these procedures are requested in a hospital outpatient department and could safely be done in an ambulatory surgery center (ASC). AIM will use the following Anthem Clinical UM Guideline: CG-SURG-52: Site of Care: Hospital-Based Ambulatory Surgical Procedures and Endoscopic Services


If you have a member in a current course of treatment for pain management where we approved without reviewing the monitored anesthesia care, please identify the member for us at the next request. Please note, this does not apply to procedures performed on an emergent basis.


At this time, the codes to be reviewed are 01991, 01992, 01937, 01938, 01939, and 01940.  A complete list of CPT codes requiring prior authorization for the AIM Monitored Anesthesia Care for Interventional Pain program is available on the AIM Musculoskeletal microsite. To determine if prior authorization is needed for an Anthem member on or after October 1, 2022, providers can contact the Anthem Provider Services phone number on the back of the member’s ID card for benefit information.  AIM will recognize out of scope membership and will not require prior authorization for such members.      If providers use the Interactive Care Reviewer (ICR) tool on the Availity Portal to pre-certify an outpatient Musculoskeletal procedure, ICR will produce a message referring the provider to AIM. (Note: ICR cannot accept prior authorization requests for services administered by AIM.)

Members included in the new program


All fully insured members currently participating in the AIM Musculoskeletal program are included. This program will be offered to self-funded (ASO) groups that currently participate in the AIM Musculoskeletal program to add to their members’ benefit package as of October 1, 2022.


Pre-service review requirements


For interventional pain procedures that are scheduled to begin on or after October 1, 2022, all providers must contact AIM to obtain prior authorization. The following groups are excluded:  Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, Medicare, Medicare supplement, MA GRS, Federal Employee Program® (FEP®). 


For services provided on or after October 1, 2022, ordering and servicing providers may begin contacting AIM on September 17 for review.  Providers may submit prior authorization requests to AIM in one of several ways:


  • Access AIM’s ProviderPortalSM directly at providerportal.com. Online access is available 24/7 to process orders in real-time and is the fastest and most convenient way to request authorization.
  • Access AIM via the Availity Web Portal at availity.com.
  • Call the AIM Contact Center toll-free number at 866-789-0158, Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET.


Initiating a request on AIM’s ProviderPortalSM and entering all the requested clinical questions will allow you to receive an immediate determination.  The AIM Musculoskeletal Program microsite on the AIM provider portal helps you learn more and access helpful information and tools such as order entry checklists.


AIM Musculoskeletal training webinars


Anthem invites you to take advantage of a free informational webinar that will introduce you to the program and the robust capabilities of the AIM ProviderPortalSM.  Go to the AIM Musculoskeletal microsite to register for an upcoming webinar.  If you have previously registered for other services managed by AIM, there is no need to register again.


We value your participation in our networks and look forward to working with you to help improve the health of our members.



Federal Employee Program (FEP)Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Process change for Federal Employee Program® third-party correspondence requests

Effective June 1, 2022, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan – also known as the Federal Employee Program (FEP) – will be changing the process for responses to third-party requests for correspondence for claim processing. Currently, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) sends correspondence to the third-party biller who requested the information. Effective June 1, 2022, responses to correspondence requests received from third-party billers will be mailed to the servicing provider office to align with internal Anthem policy directives. 


Questions can be directed to the FEP Customer Service team at: 1- 800-522-5566



PharmacyAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Specialty pharmacy updates effective September 1, 2022

Specialty pharmacy updates for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) are listed below.


Prior authorization clinical review of non-oncology use of specialty pharmacy drugs is managed by Anthem’s medical specialty drug review team. Review of specialty pharmacy drugs for oncology use is managed by AIM Specialty Health® (AIM), a separate company.


For Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield along with our affiliate HealthKeepers, Inc., prior authorization clinical review of these specialty pharmacy drugs will be managed by Anthem. Drugs used for the treatment of Oncology will still require pre-service clinical review by AIM Specialty Health.


This applies to members with Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), HealthKeepers (HMO), POS AdvantageOne, and Act Wise (CDH plans).


Important to note: Currently, your patients may be receiving these medications without prior authorization. As of the effective date below, you may be required to request prior authorization review for your patients’ continued use of these medications.


Inclusion of National Drug Code (NDC) code on your claim will help expedite claim processing of drugs billed with a Not Otherwise Classified (NOC) code. The Health Plan requires that claims for injection services performed in the office setting must include the applicable HCPCS J-code, Q-code, or S-code, with the corresponding National Drug Code, for the injected substance. This requirement is consistent with CMS guidelines. A covered drug will not be eligible for reimbursement when the NDC is not reported on the same claim.


Prior authorization updates


Effective for dates of service on and after September 1, 2022, the following specialty pharmacy codes from current or new clinical criteria documents will be included in our prior authorization review process.


Access our Clinical Criteria to view the complete information for these prior authorization updates.


Clinical Criteria


HCPCS or CPT Code(s)


Carvykti (ciltacabtagene autoleucel)





Aduhelm (aducanumab-avwa)



Note: Prior authorization requests for certain medications may require additional documentation to determine medical necessity.



PharmacyAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJune 1, 2022

Anthem clinical criteria updates for specialty pharmacy are available

Effective for dates of service on and after September 1, 2022, the following current clinical criteria were revised and might result in services that were previously covered but may now be found to be not medically necessary.


For Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and affiliate HealthKeepers, Inc., prior authorization of these specialty pharmacy drugs will be managed by Anthem. Drugs used for the treatment of Oncology will still require prior authorization by AIM Specialty Health® (AIM), a separate company.  This applies to members with Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), Anthem HealthKeepers (HMO), POS AdvantageOne, and Act Wise (CDH plans).


Access the clinical criteria document information.



Dupixent (dupilumab)


Adbry (tralokinumab)


Carvykti (ciltacabtagene autoleucel)




State & FederalAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | Medicare AdvantageJune 1, 2022

Keep up with Medicare news: June 2022

State & FederalAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | Medicare AdvantageJune 1, 2022

Medical Policies and Clinical Utilization Management Guidelines update

The Medical Policies, Clinical Utilization Management (UM) Guidelines and Third-Party Criteria below were developed and/or revised to support clinical coding edits. Note, several policies and guidelines were revised to provide clarification only and are not included. Existing precertification requirements have not changed.


Please share this notice with other members of your practice and office staff.


To view a guideline, visit https://www.anthem.com/provider/policies/clinical-guidelines.



Updates marked with an asterisk (*) notate that the criteria may be perceived as more restrictive:

  • *CG-LAB-20 — Thyroid Testing:
    • Outlines the Medically Necessary and Not Medically Necessary criteria for thyroid testing.
  • *CG-LAB-21 — Serum Iron Testing:
    • Outlines the Medically Necessary and Not Medically Necessary criteria for serum iron testing.
  • *LAB.00043 — Immune Biomarker Tests for Cancer:
    • Oncologic immune biomarker tests are considered Investigational and Not Medically Necessary for all indications.
  • *LAB.00044 — Saliva-Based Testing to Determine Drug-Metabolizer Status:
    • Saliva-based testing to determine drug-metabolizer status is considered Investigational and Not Medically Necessary for all indications.
  • *LAB.00045 — Selected Tests for the Evaluation and Management of Infertility:
    • The following tests or procedures are considered Investigational and Not Medically Necessary for diagnosing or managing infertility:
      • Endometrial receptivity analysis
      • Sperm-capacitation test
      • Sperm deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) fragmentation test
      • Sperm penetration assay
      • Uterine natural killer (uNK) cells test
  • *LAB.00046 — Testing for Biochemical Markers for Alzheimer’s Disease:
    • Measurements of biochemical markers (including but not limited to tau protein, AB-42, neural thread protein) is considered Investigational and Not Medically Necessary as a diagnostic technique for individuals with symptoms suggestive of Alzheimer’s disease.
    • Measurements of biochemical markers as a screening technique in asymptomatic individuals with or without a family history of Alzheimer’s disease is considered Investigational and Not Medically Necessary.
    • Moved content related to biomarker testing for Alzheimer’s disease from GENE.00003 Biochemical Markers for the Diagnosis and Screening of Alzheimer’s Disease to this document.
  • *RAD.00067 — Quantitative Ultrasound for Tissue Characterization:
    • Quantitative ultrasound for tissue characterization is considered Investigational and Not Medically Necessary for all indications.
  • *SURG.00154 — Microsurgical Procedures for the Prevention or Treatment of Lymphedema:
    • Revised Position Statement to include the prevention of lymphedema.
  • *SURG.00160 — Implanted Port Delivery Systems to Treat Ocular Disease:
    • The use of a port delivery system to treat ocular disease is considered Investigational and Not Medically Necessary for all indications.
  • *TRANS.00038 — Thymus Tissue Transplantation:
    • Outlines the Medically Necessary and Investigational and Not Medically Necessary criteria for allogeneic processed thymus tissue.


Medical Policies


On February 17, 2022, the Medical Policy and Technology Assessment Committee (MPTAC) approved the following Medical Policies applicable to Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem). These guidelines take effect June 4, 2022.


Publish date

Medical Policy number

Medical Policy title

New or revised



Immune Biomarker Tests for Cancer




Saliva-based Testing to Determine Drug-Metabolizer Status




Selected Tests for the Evaluation and Management of Infertility




Testing for Biochemical Markers for Alzheimer’s Disease




Quantitative Ultrasound for Tissue Characterization




Implanted Port Delivery Systems to Treat Ocular Disease




Thymus Tissue Transplantation




Whole Genome Sequencing, Whole Exome Sequencing, Gene Panels, and Molecular Profiling




Allogeneic, Xenographic, Synthetic, Bioengineered, and Composite Products for Wound Healing and Soft Tissue Grafting




Fetal Surgery for Prenatally Diagnosed Malformations




Surgical and Ablative Treatments for Chronic Headaches




Microsurgical Procedures for the Prevention or Treatment of Lymphedema



Clinical UM Guidelines


On February 17, 2022, the MPTAC approved the following Clinical UM Guidelines applicable to Anthem. These guidelines adopted by the medical operations committee for our members on March 24, 2022. These guidelines take effect June 4, 2022.



Publish date

Clinical UM Guideline number

Clinical UN Guideline title

New or Revised



Thyroid Testing




Serum Iron Testing








Gene Mutation Testing for Cancer Susceptibility and Management




Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (Systemic/Topical)








Endovascular/Endoluminal Repair of Aortic Aneurysms, Aortoiliac Disease, Aortic Dissection and Aortic Transection




State & FederalAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | Medicare AdvantageJune 1, 2022

Medical drug benefit Clinical Criteria updates

On November 19, 2021, January 4, 2022, and February 25, 2022, the Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee approved the following Clinical Criteria applicable to the medical drug benefit for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. These policies were developed, revised, or reviewed to support clinical coding edits.


Visit Clinical Criteria to search for specific policies. If you have questions or would like additional information, use this email.


Please see the explanation/definition for each category of Clinical Criteria below:


  • New: newly published criteria
  • Revised: addition or removal of medical necessity requirements, new document number
  • Updates marked with an asterisk (*) notate that the criteria may be perceived as more restrictive


Please share this notice with other members of your practice and office staff.


Note: The Clinical Criteria listed below applies only to the medical drug benefits contained within the member’s medical policy. This does not apply to pharmacy services.


Effective date

Document number

Clinical Criteria title

New or revised

June 9, 2022


Kimmtrak (tebentafusp-tebn)


June 9, 2022


Enjaymo (sutimlimab-jome)


June 9, 2022


Voxzogo (vosoritide)


June 9, 2022


Tezspire (tezepelumab-ekko)


June 9, 2022


Spravato (esketamine) Nasal Spray


June 9, 2022


Padcev (enfortumab vedotin)


June 9, 2022


Opdivo (nivolumab)


June 9, 2022


Yervoy (ipilimumab)


June 9, 2022


Abraxane (paclitaxel, protein bound)


June 9, 2022


Kyprolis (carfilzomib)


June 9, 2022


Blincyto (blinatumomab)


June 9, 2022


Bavencio (avelumab)


June 9, 2022


Ixempra (ixabepilone)


June 9, 2022


Perjeta (pertuzumab)


June 9, 2022


Kadcyla (ado-trastuzumab)


June 9, 2022


Halaven (eribulin)


June 9, 2022


Xolair (omalizumab)


June 9, 2022


Monoclonal Antibodies to Interleukin-5


June 9, 2022


Human Parathyroid Hormone Agents


June 9, 2022


Margenza (margetuximab-cmkb)


June 9, 2022


Keytruda (pembrolizumab)


June 9, 2022


Orencia (abatacept)


June 9, 2022


Monoclonal Antibodies to Interleukin-23


June 9, 2022


Monoclonal Antibodies to Interleukin-17


June 9, 2022


Dupixent (dupilumab)


June 9, 2022


Adbry (tralokinumab)


June 9, 2022


Leqvio (inclisiran)


June 9, 2022


Trastuzumab Agents


June 9, 2022


Bevacizumab for Non-ophthalmologic Indications





State & FederalAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | Medicare AdvantageJune 1, 2022

Authorizations for post-acute care services for Medicare Advantage individual, Group Retiree Solutions (GRS), and Dual-Eligible Plan members

Applicable to the following states:


California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Ohio, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin.


For services beginning on September 1, 2022, prior authorization requests for admission to or concurrent stay in a skilled nursing facility (SNF), an inpatient acute rehab facility (IRF), or a long-term acute care hospital (LTACH) will be reviewed by myNEXUS.* Through this program, myNEXUS clinicians will collaborate with caregivers and facility care managers/discharge planners to provide transition planning as well as the pre-service and concurrent review authorizations of post-acute care services. The goal of this program is to support members through their recovery process in the most appropriate, least restrictive environment.


How to submit or check a prior authorization request


For SNF, IRF, or LTACH admissions, myNEXUS will begin receiving requests on Tuesday, August 30, 2022, for members whose anticipated discharge date is September 1, 2022, or after.


Providers are encouraged to request authorization using NexLync. Go to https://portal.mynexuscare.com/home to get started. You can upload clinical information and check the status of your requests through this online tool seven days a week, 24 hours a day.


If you are unable to use the link or website, you can call the myNEXUS Provider Call Center at 844-411-9622 during normal operating hours from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday, or send a fax to myNEXUS at 833-311-2986.


Please note: myNEXUS will not review authorization requests for durable medical equipment (DME), ambulance, and other related services that do not fall under Medicare-covered home healthcare services, such as home infusion, hospice, outpatient therapy, or supplemental benefits that help with everyday health and living such as personal home helper services offered under Essential/Everyday Extras.


To learn more about myNEXUS and upcoming training webinars, visit www.myNEXUScare.com or email Provider_Network@myNEXUScare.com.


If you have additional questions, please call the myNEXUS Provider Call Center at 844-411-9622.


Concurrent stay review requests for members admitted to SNF, IRF, or LTACH facilities prior to September 1, 2022, should be directed to the health plan.


* myNEXUS is an independent company providing post-acute benefits management services on behalf of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield.



State & FederalAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | Medicare AdvantageJune 1, 2022

Updates to AIM Specialty Health Advanced Imaging Clinical Appropriateness Guidelines

Effective for dates of service on and after September 11, 2022, the following updates will apply to the AIM Specialty Health®* (AIM) Advanced Imaging Clinical Appropriateness Guidelines. As part of the AIM guideline annual review process, these updates are focused on advancing efforts to drive clinically appropriate, safe, and affordable healthcare services.


Updates by Guideline


Imaging of the spine

  • Perioperative and periprocedural imaging – Added requirement for initial evaluation with radiographs


Imaging of the extremities

  • Trauma – Added computerized tomography (CT) scan as an alternative to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for tibial plateau fracture; added indication for evaluation of supracondylar fracture.
  • Rotator cuff tear – Combined acute and chronic rotator cuff tear criteria; standardized conservative management duration to 6 weeks.
  • Shoulder arthroplasty – Modified language to clarify intent regarding limited scenarios where advanced imaging is indicated for total shoulder arthroplasty.
  • Perioperative imaging – Excluded robotic-assisted hip arthroplasty as robotic-assisted surgery in general does not provide net benefit over conventional arthroplasty.


Vascular imaging

  • Stenosis or occlusion, extracranial carotid arteries – New indications for post neck irradiation, incidental carotid calcification scenarios.
  • Stroke/Transient ischemic attack (TIA), extracranial evaluation – Subacute stroke/TIA; computed tomography angiography (CTA)/magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) neck allowed without prerequisite ultrasound (US), in alignment with 2021 American Heart Association (AHA)/American Stroke Association (ASA) guidelines.
  • Chronic stroke/TIA – New indication; modality approach by circulation presentation.
  • Pulmonary embolism – Removal of nondiagnostic chest radiograph (CXR) requirement (lower threshold for elevated D-dimer scenarios, thrombosis related to COVID-19 infection, etc.)
  • Imaging study modality and/or site expansion – Pulsatile tinnitus, acute aortic syndrome, abdominal venous thrombosis.
  • Stenosis or occlusion, extracranial carotid arteries – Post-revascularization scenario aligned with the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) guidelines to allow annual surveillance regardless of residual stenosis.
  • Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta or iliac arteries – Management/surveillance scenarios aligned with SVS guidelines.
  • Upper or lower extremity peripheral arterial disease (PAD):
    • Suspected PAD without physiologic testing (including exercise testing) not indicated
    • New indication for Popliteal artery aneurysm US surveillance post-repair (2021 SVS guidelines)


As a reminder, ordering and servicing providers may submit prior authorization requests to AIM in one of several ways:


  • Access AIM’s ProviderPortal directly at https://www.providerportal.com
    • Online access is available 24/7 to process orders in real-time and is the fastest and most convenient way to request authorization
  • Access AIM via the Availity Portal* at https://www.availity.com
  • Call the AIM Contact Center toll-free number Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT:
    • Virginia: 888-240-5058


For questions related to guidelines, please contact AIM via email at aim.guidelines@aimspecialtyhealth.com. Additionally, you may access and download a copy of the current and upcoming guidelines.


* AIM Specialty Health is an independent company providing some utilization review services on behalf of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Availity, LLC is an independent company providing administrative support services on behalf of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield.



State & FederalAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | Medicare AdvantageJune 1, 2022

Provider notice for COVID-19 testing

This communication applies to the Medicare Advantage program from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem).


Evaluation and management services for COVID testing — professional


Effective with dates of service on or after September 1, 2022, Anthem will facilitate review of selected claims for COVID-19 visits reported with evaluation and management (E/M) services submitted by professional providers to align with CMS reporting guidelines. When the purpose of the visit is for COVID-19 testing only, reimbursement for CPT® code 99211 (office or other outpatient visit) is allowed when billed with place of service office (11), mobile unit (15), walk-in retail health clinic (17), or urgent care facility (20). Claims for exposure only may be affected. Professional providers are encouraged to code their claims to the highest level of specificity in accordance with ICD-10 coding guidelines.


Prior to payment, Anthem will review the selected claims to determine, in accordance with correct coding requirements and/or reimbursement policy as applicable, whether the E/M code level submitted is appropriate for the COVID-19 visit reported. If the visit is determined to be solely for the purpose of COVID-19 testing, Anthem will reimburse using CPT code 99211.


Professional providers who believe their medical record documentation supports reimbursement for the originally submitted level for the E/M service will be able to follow the Claims Payment Dispute process (including submission of such documentation with the dispute) as outlined in the provider manual.


If you have questions on this program, contact your Provider Experience representative.



State & FederalHealthKeepers, Inc. | Anthem HealthKeepers Plus Medicaid productsJune 1, 2022

Keep up with Medicaid news: June 2022

Please continue to check our website https://providers.anthem.com/virginia-provider/home for the latest Medicaid information for members enrolled in HealthKeepers, Inc.’s Anthem HealthKeepers Plus and the Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (Anthem CCC Plus) benefit plans. Here are the topics we’re addressing in this edition:







Keep up with Medicaid news

State & FederalHealthKeepers, Inc. | Anthem HealthKeepers Plus Medicaid productsJune 1, 2022

Medical Policies and Clinical Utilization Management Guidelines update

Please note, this communication applies to Anthem HealthKeepers Plus, Medallion and Anthem HealthKeepers Plus, Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (Anthem CCC Plus) offered by HealthKeepers, Inc.


The Medical Policies, Clinical Utilization Management (UM) Guidelines and Third-Party Criteria below were developed and/or revised to support clinical coding edits. Note, several policies and guidelines were revised to provide clarification only and are not included. Existing precertification requirements have not changed.


Please share this notice with other members of your practice and office staff.


To view a guideline, visit https://www.anthem.com/provider/policies/clinical-guidelines/search.




Updates marked with an asterisk (*) notate that the criteria may be perceived as more restrictive:

  • *CG-LAB-20 — Thyroid Testing:
    • Outlines the Medically Necessary and Not Medically Necessary criteria for thyroid testing.
  • *CG-LAB-21 — Serum Iron Testing:
    • Outlines the Medically Necessary and Not Medically Necessary criteria for serum iron testing.
  • *LAB.00043 — Immune Biomarker Tests for Cancer:
    • Oncologic immune biomarker tests are considered Investigational and Not Medically Necessary for all indications.
  • *LAB.00044 — Saliva-Based Testing to Determine Drug-Metabolizer Status:
    • Saliva-based testing to determine drug-metabolizer status is considered Investigational and Not Medically Necessary for all indications.
  • *LAB.00045 — Selected Tests for the Evaluation and Management of Infertility:
    • The following tests or procedures are considered Investigational and Not Medically Necessary for diagnosing or managing infertility:
      • Endometrial receptivity analysis
      • Sperm-capacitation test
      • Sperm deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) fragmentation test
      • Sperm penetration assay
      • Uterine natural killer (uNK) cells test
  • *LAB.00046 — Testing for Biochemical Markers for Alzheimer’s Disease:
    • Measurements of biochemical markers (including but not limited to tau protein, AB-42, neural thread protein) is considered Investigational and Not Medically Necessary as a diagnostic technique for individuals with symptoms suggestive of Alzheimer’s disease.
    • Measurements of biochemical markers as a screening technique in asymptomatic individuals with or without a family history of Alzheimer’s disease is considered Investigational and Not Medically Necessary.
    • Moved content related to biomarker testing for Alzheimer’s disease from GENE.00003 Biochemical Markers for the Diagnosis and Screening of Alzheimer’s Disease to this document.
  • *RAD.00067 — Quantitative Ultrasound for Tissue Characterization:
    • Quantitative ultrasound for tissue characterization is considered Investigational and Not Medically Necessary for all indications.
  • *SURG.00154 — Microsurgical Procedures for the Prevention or Treatment of Lymphedema:
    • Revised Position Statement to include the prevention of lymphedema.
  • *SURG.00160 — Implanted Port Delivery Systems to Treat Ocular Disease:
    • The use of a port delivery system to treat ocular disease is considered Investigational and Not Medically Necessary for all indications.
  • *TRANS.00038 — Thymus Tissue Transplantation:
    • Outlines the Medically Necessary and Investigational and Not Medically Necessary criteria for allogeneic processed thymus tissue.


Effective June 4, 2022, HealthKeepers, Inc. will begin using the AIM Specialty Health®1 Clinical Appropriateness Guidelines for medical necessity review of the below services. Please note, the Utilization Management team will complete these reviews using the AIM Clinical Appropriateness Guidelines:


  • Musculoskeletal guidelines:
    • Spine surgery
    • Joint surgery
    • Small joint surgery
    • Sacroiliac joint fusion
  • Rehabilitative services:
    • Occupational therapy
    • Physical therapy
    • Speech therapy


Medical Policies


On February 17, 2022, the Medical Policy and Technology Assessment Committee (MPTAC) approved the following Medical Policies applicable to HealthKeepers, Inc. These guidelines take effect June 4, 2022.


Publish date

Medical Policy number

Medical Policy title

New or revised



Immune Biomarker Tests for Cancer




Saliva-based Testing to Determine
Drug-Metabolizer Status




Selected Tests for the Evaluation and Management of Infertility




Testing for Biochemical Markers for Alzheimer’s Disease




Quantitative Ultrasound for Tissue Characterization




Implanted Port Delivery Systems to Treat Ocular Disease




Thymus Tissue Transplantation




Whole Genome Sequencing, Whole Exome Sequencing, Gene Panels, and Molecular Profiling




Allogeneic, Xenographic, Synthetic, Bioengineered, and Composite Products for Wound Healing and Soft Tissue Grafting




Fetal Surgery for Prenatally Diagnosed Malformations




Surgical and Ablative Treatments for Chronic Headaches




Microsurgical Procedures for the Prevention or Treatment of Lymphedema                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  




Clinical UM Guidelines


On February 17, 2022, the MPTAC approved the following Clinical UM Guidelines applicable to HealthKeepers, Inc. These guidelines adopted by the medical operations committee for our members on March 24, 2022. These guidelines take effect June 4, 2022.


Publish date

Clinical UM Guideline number

Clinical UM Guideline title

New or revised



Thyroid Testing




Serum Iron Testing








Gene Mutation Testing for Cancer Susceptibility and Management                                                                                                                                                                     




Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (Systemic/Topical)








Endovascular/Endoluminal Repair of Aortic Aneurysms, Aortoiliac Disease, Aortic Dissection and Aortic Transection



If you have any questions about this communication, call Anthem HealthKeepers Plus, Medallion Provider Services at 800‑901‑0020 or Anthem CCC Plus Provider Services at 855‑323‑4687.


1 AIM Specialty Health is an independent company providing some utilization review services on behalf of HealthKeepers, Inc.



State & FederalHealthKeepers, Inc. | Anthem HealthKeepers Plus Medicaid productsJune 1, 2022

Medical drug benefit Clinical Criteria updates

Please note, this communication applies to Anthem HealthKeepers Plus, Medallion and Anthem HealthKeepers Plus, Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (Anthem CCC Plus) offered by HealthKeepers, Inc.


On November 19, 2021, January 4, 2022, and February 25, 2022, the Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee approved the following Clinical Criteria applicable to the Anthem HealthKeepers Plus medical drug benefit for HealthKeepers, Inc. These policies were developed, revised, or reviewed to support clinical coding edits.


Visit Clinical Criteria to search for specific policies. If you have questions or would like additional information, use this email.


Please see the explanation/definition for each category of Clinical Criteria below:


  • New: newly published criteria
  • Revised: addition or removal of medical necessity requirements, new document number
  • Updates marked with an asterisk (*) notate that the criteria may be perceived as more restrictive


Please share this notice with other members of your practice and office staff.


Note: The Clinical Criteria listed below applies only to the medical drug benefits contained within the member’s medical policy. This does not apply to pharmacy services.


Effective date

Document number

Clinical Criteria title

New or revised

June 9, 2022


Kimmtrak (tebentafusp-tebn)


June 9, 2022


Enjaymo (sutimlimab-jome)


June 9, 2022


Voxzogo (vosoritide)


June 9, 2022


Tezspire (tezepelumab-ekko)


June 9, 2022


Spravato (esketamine) Nasal Spray


June 9, 2022


Padcev (enfortumab vedotin)


June 9, 2022


Opdivo (nivolumab)


June 9, 2022


Yervoy (ipilimumab)


June 9, 2022


Abraxane (paclitaxel, protein bound)


June 9, 2022


Kyprolis (carfilzomib)


June 9, 2022


Blincyto (blinatumomab)


June 9, 2022


Bavencio (avelumab)


June 9, 2022


Ixempra (ixabepilone)


June 9, 2022


Perjeta (pertuzumab)


June 9, 2022


Kadcyla (ado-trastuzumab)


June 9, 2022


Halaven (eribulin)


June 9, 2022


Xolair (omalizumab)


June 9, 2022


Monoclonal Antibodies to Interleukin-5


June 9, 2022


Human Parathyroid Hormone Agents


June 9, 2022


Margenza (margetuximab-cmkb)


June 9, 2022


Keytruda (pembrolizumab)


June 9, 2022


Monoclonal Antibodies to Interleukin-23


June 9, 2022


Monoclonal Antibodies to Interleukin-17


June 9, 2022


Adbry (tralokinumab)


June 9, 2022


Leqvio (inclisiran)


June 9, 2022


Trastuzumab Agents


June 9, 2022


Bevacizumab for Non-ophthalmologic Indications



If you have any questions about this communication, call Anthem HealthKeepers Plus, Medallion Provider Services at 800‑901‑0020 or Anthem CCC Plus Provider Services at 855‑323‑4687.



State & FederalHealthKeepers, Inc. | Anthem HealthKeepers Plus Medicaid productsJune 1, 2022

Updates to AIM Specialty Health Advanced Imaging Clinical Appropriateness Guidelines

Please note, this communication applies to Anthem HealthKeepers Plus, Medallion and Anthem HealthKeepers Plus, Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (Anthem CCC Plus) offered by HealthKeepers, Inc.


Effective for dates of service on and after September 11, 2022, the following updates will apply to the AIM Specialty Health®* (AIM) Advanced Imaging Clinical Appropriateness Guidelines. As part of the AIM guideline annual review process, these updates are focused on advancing efforts to drive clinically appropriate, safe, and affordable healthcare services.


Updates by Guideline


Imaging of the spine

  • Perioperative and periprocedural imaging – Added requirement for initial evaluation with radiographs


Imaging of the extremities

  • Trauma – Added computerized tomography (CT) scan as an alternative to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for tibial plateau fracture; added indication for evaluation of supracondylar fracture
  • Rotator cuff tear – Combined acute and chronic rotator cuff tear criteria; standardized conservative management duration to 6 weeks
  • Shoulder arthroplasty – Modified language to clarify intent regarding limited scenarios where advanced imaging is indicated for total shoulder arthroplasty
  • Perioperative imaging – Excluded robotic-assisted hip arthroplasty as robotic-assisted surgery in general does not provide net benefit over conventional arthroplasty

Vascular imaging

  • Stenosis or occlusion, extracranial carotid arteries – New indications for post neck irradiation, incidental carotid calcification scenarios
  • Stroke/Transient ischemic attack (TIA), extracranial evaluation – Subacute stroke/TIA; computed tomography angiography (CTA)/magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) neck allowed without prerequisite ultrasound (US), in alignment with 2021 American Heart Association (AHA)/American Stroke Association (ASA) guidelines
  • Chronic stroke/TIA – New indication; modality approach by circulation presentation
  • Pulmonary embolism – Removal of nondiagnostic chest radiograph (CXR) requirement (lower threshold for elevated D-dimer scenarios, thrombosis related to COVID-19 infection, etc.)
  • Imaging study modality and/or site expansion – Pulsatile tinnitus, acute aortic syndrome, abdominal venous thrombosis
  • Stenosis or occlusion, extracranial carotid arteries – Post-revascularization scenario aligned with the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) guidelines to allow annual surveillance regardless of residual stenosis.
  • Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta or iliac arteries – Management/surveillance scenarios aligned with SVS guidelines.
  • Upper or lower extremity peripheral arterial disease (PAD):
    • Suspected PAD without physiologic testing (including exercise testing) not indicated
    • New indication for Popliteal artery aneurysm US surveillance post-repair (2021 SVS guidelines)


As a reminder, ordering and servicing providers may submit prior authorization requests to AIM in one of several ways:

  • Access AIM’s ProviderPortal directly at https://www.providerportal.com
    • Online access is available 24/7 to process orders in real-time and is the fastest and most convenient way to request authorization
  • Access AIM via the Availity Portal* at https://www.availity.com
  • Call the AIM Contact Center toll-free number: 800-714-0040 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. PT


For questions related to guidelines, please contact AIM via email at aim.guidelines@aimspecialtyhealth.com. Additionally, you may access and download a copy of the current and upcoming guidelines.


* AIM Specialty Health is an independent company providing some utilization review services on behalf of HealthKeepers, Inc. Availity, LLC is an independent company providing administrative support services on behalf of HealthKeepers, Inc.



State & FederalHealthKeepers, Inc. | Anthem HealthKeepers Plus Medicaid productsJune 1, 2022

Provider notice for COVID-19 testing

Please note, this communication applies to Anthem HealthKeepers Plus, Medallion and Anthem HealthKeepers Plus, Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (Anthem CCC Plus) offered by HealthKeepers, Inc.

Evaluation and management services for COVID testing – professional

Effective with dates of service on or after September 1, 2022, HealthKeepers, Inc. will facilitate review of selected claims for COVID-19 visits reported with evaluation and management (E/M) services submitted by professional providers to align with CMS reporting guidelines. When the purpose of the visit is for COVID-19 testing only, reimbursement for CPT® code 99211 (office or other outpatient visit) is allowed when billed with place of service office (11), mobile unit (15), walk-in retail health clinic (17), or urgent care facility (20). Claims for exposure only may be affected. Professional providers are encouraged to code their claims to the highest level of specificity in accordance with ICD-10 coding guidelines.


Prior to payment, HealthKeepers, Inc. will review the selected claims to determine, in accordance with correct coding requirements and/or reimbursement policy as applicable, whether the E/M code level submitted is appropriate for the COVID-19 visit reported. If the visit is determined to be solely for the purpose of COVID-19 testing, HealthKeepers, Inc. will reimburse using CPT code 99211.


Professional providers who believe their medical record documentation supports reimbursement for the originally submitted level for the E/M service will be able to follow the Claims Payment Dispute process (including submission of such documentation with the dispute) as outlined in the provider manual.


If you have any questions about this communication, call Anthem HealthKeepers Plus, Medallion Provider Services at 800‑901‑0020 or Anthem CCC Plus Provider Services at 855‑323‑4687.
