AdministrativeMedicaid Managed CareOctober 1, 2023

Behind the scenes, get to know: Monica Blankenship

What are three things everyone should know about you?

  1. I am passionate about connection. I love people. I love talking. I love to find how we are all connected to each other. When I meet people for the first time and we start talking, I will always try to put them together with someone else I know or a common place, activity, etc. It is a small world.
  2. I was born in Chicago. I attended Ball State University, met my husband-Andy, and had a family. I got to Ohio via Las Vegas after a great job opportunity came Andy’s way. I loved living in Las Vegas. I loved the weather, sun, and mountains. I loved the freedom we had for two years with no family pressures. We saw many National Parks at that time. I have great memories from everywhere I have lived.
  3. I love music, concerts, and traveling to attend them. I have seen the Avett Brothers 43 times in 10 years throughout the U.S. I have also seen Goose 24 times since 2019 and plan to see them an additional five times by year end. One of the shows will be in the United Kingdom, and it will be my first time seeing a band in another country. We aren’t even crazy compared to other fans!

What is one thing you never leave home without?

My cell phone. It has my directions on Google Maps, my money on Apple Pay, and my camera. I rarely carry a purse anymore.

Who has been most influential in your life?

Women! That is my answer. Many women have shown up just at the time I needed them. They have shown me strength, resilience, love, and kindness. They came through family friends, aunts, cousins, friends’ moms, coworkers, and of course the friends I have today.

I am so grateful for all the women in my life. I hope I can be that person to someone someday.


PUBLICATIONS: October 2023 Provider Newsletter