CommercialOctober 1, 2022
National Accounts 2023 Precertification list
Please note, providers should continue to verify member eligibility and benefits prior to rendering services.
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October 2022 Anthem Provider News - MissouriContentsCommercialOctober 1, 2022 National Accounts 2023 Precertification listCommercialOctober 1, 2022 Monkeypox and smallpox vaccines: Product code on claimsCommercialOctober 1, 2022 The Provider Learning Hub is hereCommercialOctober 1, 2022 Guidance for coding evaluation and management services for new and established patients RETRACTION: Please refer to article published 9/1/22CommercialOctober 1, 2022 Signature requirements for laboratory orders or requisitionsCommercialOctober 1, 2022 CAA: Review your online provider directory informationCommercialOctober 1, 2022 Learn how Interactive Care Reviewer makes it easy to submit authorizations electronicallyCommercialOctober 1, 2022 New Strategic Provider System implementation in August 2022CommercialOctober 1, 2022 Reimbursement policy update: Multiple and Bilateral Surgery Processing - ProfessionalCommercialOctober 1, 2022 Reimbursement policy update: Three-Dimensional (3D) Radiology Services - Professional and FacilityCommercialOctober 1, 2022 IngenioRx will become CarelonRx on January 1, 2023CommercialOctober 1, 2022 Specialty pharmacy updates - October 2022CommercialOctober 1, 2022 Pharmacy information available on provider websiteMedicare AdvantageOctober 1, 2022 Keep up with Medicare News - October 2022Medicare AdvantageOctober 1, 2022 Reimbursement Policy Retraction: Sexually Transmitted Infections Testing - ProfessionalMedicare AdvantageOctober 1, 2022 Courtesy notification of specialty pharmacy medical step therapy updatesTo view this publication online:Or scan this QR code with your phone CommercialOctober 1, 2022 National Accounts 2023 Precertification listThe National Accounts 2023 Precertification list has been published. Please note, providers should continue to verify member eligibility and benefits prior to rendering services.
To view this article online:Or scan this QR code with your phone CommercialOctober 1, 2022 Monkeypox and smallpox vaccines: Product code on claimsThis communication applies to the Commercial and Medicare Advantage programs from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem).
Care providers are a trusted resource for members when it comes to vaccine advice. As information on the monkeypox outbreak changes and vaccination and testing guidance is released, we’re committed to keeping you informed.
Some care providers may have seen a message on their provider Explanation of Benefits (EOB) stating that Anthem does not recognize the vaccine product codes for monkeypox and smallpox that became effective July 26, 2022. We’re updating the provider fee schedules to reflect the new vaccine product codes as quickly as possible. The EOB message did not impact payment for administration of the vaccines, which is reimbursable; however, since the monkeypox and smallpox vaccines are provided by the government at no charge, the vaccine products are non-reimbursable.
To aid in processing claims for the monkeypox and smallpox vaccine products, care providers must include these three elements on claims, even if vaccine products were received from the federal government at no charge:
More detail on codes and cost-sharing Providers are encouraged to use:
When billing the monkeypox and smallpox vaccine products, care providers should submit those codes with a $0.01 charge.
Cost-sharing for the vaccine is waived.
If you have any questions, contact the Provider Service number on the back of the member’s ID card. You can read more information on monkeypox here.
To view this article online:Or scan this QR code with your phone CommercialOctober 1, 2022 The Provider Learning Hub is hereNow open for learning!
Understanding how to use the many time saving applications on Availity Essentials* is important to working together digitally. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield has developed a learning place just for that purpose — the Provider Learning Hub.
Using the Provider Learning Hub available from is the easiest and quickest way to access courses and learning guides about claim submission, attachments and status, eligibility and benefits, and more.
These new and improved learning experiences apply to Availity Essentials and electronic data interchange (EDI) transactions:
Get started today! Access the Provider Learning Hub today using this link or from under Important Announcements on the home page.
To view this article online:Visit Or scan this QR code with your phone CommercialOctober 1, 2022 Guidance for coding evaluation and management services for new and established patients RETRACTION: Please refer to article published 9/1/22RETRACTION: Please refer to article published 9/1/22 - Correction: New patient evaluation and management services when reported for the same patient within the last three years To view this article online:Or scan this QR code with your phone CommercialOctober 1, 2022 Signature requirements for laboratory orders or requisitionsAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) strives to ensure our providers understand documentation compliance, and we are committed to educating our providers in hopes of eliminating errors in documentation practices. It is a best practice and industry standard that physicians sign and date laboratory orders or requisitions.
Although the provider signature is not required on laboratory requisitions, if signed and dated, the requisition will serve as acceptable documentation of a physician order for the testing and so it is strongly encouraged. In the absence of a signed requisition, documentation of your intent to order each laboratory test must be included in the patient’s medical record and available to Anthem upon request. Documentation must accurately describe the individual tests ordered; it is not sufficient to state “labs ordered.”
Anthem will consider laboratory order or requisition requirements met with one of the following:
Attestation statements are not acceptable for unsigned physician order or requisitions. Signature stamps are not acceptable.
To view this article online:Or scan this QR code with your phone CommercialOctober 1, 2022 CAA: Review your online provider directory informationWe are asking you to review your online provider directory information on a regular basis to ensure it is correct. Access your information by visiting, select For Providers, then choose Go To Providers Overview, select Find Care.
Submit updates and corrections to your directory information using our online Provider Maintenance Form. Online update options include:
Once you submit the form, we will send you an email acknowledging receipt of your request.
The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) contains a provision that requires online provider directory information be reviewed and updated (if needed) at least every 90 days. By reviewing your information regularly, you can help us ensure your online provider directory information is current.
To view this article online:Or scan this QR code with your phone CommercialOctober 1, 2022 Learn how Interactive Care Reviewer makes it easy to submit authorizations electronicallyWe understand that submitting authorizations by phone or fax is time consuming and inefficient. We have a digital application, Interactive Care Reviewer (ICR), that makes it easy to submit, review, and check authorization status all in one place, electronically.
We’d like to invite you to a webcast that covers how to:
Join us for an ICR learning webcast: Wednesday, October 12, 2022, at 11 a.m. Eastern time
Visit the ICR Target page to register and to access self-service learning by viewing recorded learning sessions. Download ICR user guides and other job aides from the ICR Target page too. You can also register from the Provider Learning Hub by clicking on the ICR live webinar learning icon.
To view this article online:Or scan this QR code with your phone CommercialOctober 1, 2022 New Strategic Provider System implementation in August 2022In August, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) replaced the current provider data management system with a new and significantly improved Strategic Provider System (SPS). The SPS data website will increase website data accuracy, transparency, and timeliness to create an enhanced provider experience.
We have found that a number of professional providers are submitting claims without a billing national provider identifier (NPI) number. Submitting claims with complete and correct data is critical to help ensure we are able to process your claims efficiently and accurately. Please submit your full address including your line 2 address (suite #, unit, etc.) when applicable. All data fields are used on claims when building your claim record.
Review your billing practices carefully to ensure provider tax identification number (TIN), billing national provider identifier (NPI), taxonomy code, and servicing/rendering provider information (if applicable) are submitted in the appropriate fields.
Below are some tips to filing a complete and correct professional claim.
If you are filing professional claims electronically (supported by electronic data interchange or EDI):
If you are filing a professional claim via mail/fax (not supported by EDI):
Review your billing practices carefully to ensure proper TIN, billing NPI, and rendering provider information (if applicable) are submitted in the appropriate fields.
Questions? If you have questions about this information, contact your local Anthem network consultant.
To view this article online:Or scan this QR code with your phone CommercialOctober 1, 2022 Reimbursement policy update: Multiple and Bilateral Surgery Processing - ProfessionalBeginning with dates of service on or after January 1, 2023, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield will update the Related Coding section of the policy with the following:
For specific policy details, visit the reimbursement policy page at
To view this article online:Or scan this QR code with your phone CommercialOctober 1, 2022 Reimbursement policy update: Three-Dimensional (3D) Radiology Services - Professional and FacilityEffective as of July 27, 2022, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield combined the Three-Dimensional (3D) Radiology Services- Facility and Three-Dimensional (3D) Radiology Services - Professional policies into a single policy. The Three-Dimensional (3D) Radiology Services - Professional policy was updated to include the facility-specific language from the facility policy, and the title was changed to Three-Dimensional (3D) Radiology Services – Professional and Facility. As a result, the Three-Dimensional (3D) Radiology Services - Facility policy will be retired.
For specific policy details, visit the reimbursement policy page at
To view this article online:Or scan this QR code with your phone CommercialOctober 1, 2022 Availity Essentials provider chat - a fast, easy way to get your UM questions answered for Federal Employee membersEffective July 8, 2022, Federal Employee Program (FEP) for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) began participating in a real-time provider chat option through Availity Essentials. The secure portal allows providers to seek real-time answers to questions about prior authorization, precertification requirements, status check, and more.
Currently, only Missouri and Georgia providers can access the chat capability for Federal members. Chat is available from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET through the secure provider website found at Select Payer Spaces, Anthem, and access the chat through Chat with Payer.
Chat is one example of how FEP is using digital technology to improve the health care experience with the goal of saving valuable time.
With the success of the real-time chat option for Federal members, Anthem is implementing additional states ranging in dates from October 2022 through the first quarter of 2023.
October 2022 – Colorado, Connecticut, and Ohio. December 2022 – Indiana, Maine, Nevada, and Virginia. February 2023 – Kentucky, New Hampshire, New York, and Wisconsin.
To view this article online:Or scan this QR code with your phone CommercialOctober 1, 2022 IngenioRx will become CarelonRx on January 1, 2023This communication applies to the Commercial and Medicare Advantage programs from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem).
Our pharmacy benefit management partner, IngenioRx,* will join the Carelon family of companies and change its name to CarelonRx on January 1, 2023.
This change will not affect the ways in which CarelonRx will do business with care providers and there will be no impact or changes to the prior authorization process, how claims are processed, or level of support.
If your patients are having their medications filled through IngenioRx’s home delivery and specialty pharmacies, please take note of the following information:
These are name changes only and will not impact patients’ benefits, coverage, or how their medications are filled. Your patients will not need new prescriptions for medicine they currently take.
When e-prescribing orders to the mail and specialty pharmacies:
In addition to the mail and specialty pharmacies, your patients can continue to have their prescriptions filled at any in-network retail pharmacy.
Keeping you well informed is essential and remains our top priority. We will continue to provide updates prior to January and throughout 2023.
To view this article online:Or scan this QR code with your phone CommercialOctober 1, 2022 Specialty pharmacy updates - October 2022Specialty pharmacy updates for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) are listed below.
Prior authorization clinical review of non-oncology use of specialty pharmacy drugs is managed by Anthem’s medical specialty drug review team. Review of specialty pharmacy drugs for oncology use is managed by AIM Specialty Health®* (AIM), a separate company.
Inclusion of the National Drug Code (NDC) on your claim will help expedite claim processing of drugs billed with a Not Otherwise Classified (NOC) code.
Step therapy updates
Effective for dates of service on and after January 1, 2023, the following specialty pharmacy codes from current or new Clinical Criteria documents will be included in our existing specialty pharmacy medical step therapy review process.
Please note that infliximab agents are subject to step therapy today, and this is to notify of the changes in the preferred and nonpreferred products. Inflectra will become non-preferred and Avsola will become preferred as of January 1, 2023.
Access our Clinical Criteria to view the complete information for these step therapy updates.
To view this article online:Visit Or scan this QR code with your phone CommercialOctober 1, 2022 Pharmacy information available on provider websiteVisit the Drug Lists page on for more information on:
The Commercial and Exchange drug lists are posted to the website quarterly on the first day of the month in January, April, July, and October.
To locate Exchange Select Formulary and pharmacy information, scroll down to Select Drug Lists. This drug list is also reviewed and updated regularly as needed.
Federal Employee Program (FEP) pharmacy updates and other pharmacy related information may be accessed at > Pharmacy Benefits.
To view this article online:Or scan this QR code with your phone Medicare AdvantageOctober 1, 2022 Keep up with Medicare News - October 2022Please continue to read news and updates at for the latest Medicare Advantage information, including:
To view this article online:Visit Or scan this QR code with your phone Medicare AdvantageOctober 1, 2022 Reimbursement Policy Retraction: Sexually Transmitted Infections Testing - ProfessionalIn the October 2021 edition of the provider newsletter, we announced that a new reimbursement policy titled Sexually Transmitted Infections Testing — Professional would be effective for dates of service on or after January 1, 2022. We have made a decision to retract this reimbursement policy.
If you have any questions, contact your Provider Experience associate or visit the Contact Us page on our provider website for up-to-date contact information.
To view this article online:Or scan this QR code with your phone Medicare AdvantageOctober 1, 2022 Courtesy notification of specialty pharmacy medical step therapy updatesEffective for dates of service on and after October 1, 2022, updated step criteria for immunoglobulins found in Clinical Criteria document ING-CC-0003 has been implemented. The preferred product list is being expanded. Please refer to the Clinical Criteria page for more information.
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