October 2018 BCBSGa Provider Newsletter


AdministrativeCommercialOctober 13, 2018

Update to Durable Medical Equipment – effective October 14, 2018

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Special Investigations Unit updates

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Availity EDI Gateway webinars scheduled

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

New operating system changes

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

BCBSGa and Availity have partnered to operate the EDI Gateway

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Integrated medical and behavioral healthcare services

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Refer patients to in-network providers

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Explore new enhancements to the Education and Reference Center

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Tips for billing CPT modifier 33

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Reminder to use Laboratory Corporation of America

Policy UpdatesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Notification of preapproval list changes

Medical Policy & Clinical GuidelinesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Update to AIM Specialty Health radiation oncology clinical appropriateness guidelines

Medical Policy & Clinical GuidelinesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Update to AIM Specialty Health sleep disorder management clinical appropriateness guidelines

Medical Policy & Clinical GuidelinesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Medical policy and clinical guideline updates 10/1/2018

Reimbursement PoliciesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

New reimbursement policy: readmissions (Facility)

Reimbursement PoliciesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

New reimbursement policy: Revenue Code Billing (Facility)

Reimbursement PoliciesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Assistant Surgeon Coding update (professional)

Reimbursement PoliciesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Documentation and Reporting Guidelines for E/M Services update (professional)

Reimbursement PoliciesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Routine Obstetrical Services update (professional)

State & FederalMedicare AdvantageOctober 1, 2018

Please evaluate statin use for MA members with diabetes, cardiovascular disease

State & FederalMedicare AdvantageOctober 1, 2018

Medicare pharmacy and prescriber home starts January 2019

State & FederalMedicare AdvantageOctober 1, 2018

Keep up with Medicare news

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Health Services must be reported in accordance to Coded Service Identifier guidelines

Providers must report all Health Services in accordance with the Coded Service Identifier(s) reporting guidelines and instructions. BCBSGa audits that result in identification of Health Services that are not reported in accordance with the Coded Service Identifier(s) guidelines and instructions, will be subject to recovery through remittance adjustment or other recovery action as may be set forth in the provider manual(s). All appropriate modifiers must be submitted in accordance with industry standard billing guidelines, if applicable.

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 13, 2018

Update to Durable Medical Equipment – effective October 14, 2018

Effective October 14, 2018, BCBSGa will enforce the requirement to bill the correct modifier and HCPCS for services utilized. Incorrect billing will be rejected and claims will be returned to the provider for correction and resubmittal.


Durable Medical Equipment (DME) may be purchased, rented or rented until the purchase price has been paid. 


Correct billing will allow member benefits to be applied correctly to include benefit accumulations for a member’s DME benefits.

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Use the Provider Maintenance Form to update your practice information

We continually update our provider directories to help ensure that your current practice information is available to our members. At least 30 days prior to making any changes to your practice – updating address and/or phone number, adding or deleting a physician from your practice, etc. – please notify us by completing the BCBSGa Provider Maintenance Form located on the Provider Forms page of our provider website, bcbsga.com. Thank you for your help and continued efforts to keep our records up to date.

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Special Investigations Unit updates

The Special Investigations Unit (SIU) is tasked to conduct investigations involving allegations of fraud, waste and abuse, to work with our providers to resolve billing practice issues in order to reduce or eliminate future payment issues, and, where appropriate, to recover overpayments.


As part of BCBSGa’s role to safeguard our members and provide relevant information to providers we are relaying the following recent Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Warning Letters:  


Estring On June 19, 2018 the Food and Drug Administration issued a letter of warning to Pfizer for "false or misleading" promotional materials related to ESTRING® (estradiol vaginal ring).  According to the FDA the posted “… video is especially concerning from a public health perspective because it fails to include any risk information about Estring, which is a drug that bears a boxed warning due to several serious, life-threatening risks, including endometrial cancer, breast cancer, and cardiovascular disorders, as well as numerous contraindications and warnings. The video thus creates a misleading impression about the safety and efficacy of Estring”.


XtampzaOn February 9, 2018 the Food and Drug Administration issued a letter of warning to Collegium Pharmaceuticals for publicly providing false or misleading representations regarding Xtampza (oxycodone) ER because it “fails to adequately communicate information about the serious risks associated with Xtampza ER use”.


Further details regarding these Warning Letters from the FDA can be found online for Estring and Xtampza.

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Availity EDI Gateway webinars scheduled

Great news! BCBSGa and our affiliates now use Availity as our designated EDI service. If you currently use a clearinghouse, billing company, or if you submit directly, all your EDI transactions will flow through the Availity EDI Gateway to BCBSGa.


Check out this webinar for lots of great information to get you started. At the end of the training, you can participate in a live Q&A session. During this fast paced hour, learn how to:

  • Understand Availity’s EDI Gateway and clearinghouse workflow for 837, 270/271, 276/277, and 835 transactions.
  • Use the Availity Portal to manage file transfers, set up EDI reporting preferences, manage your FTP account, and more.
  • Enroll for and manage 835 ERA delivery with Availity.
  • Access and navigate the Availity EDI Guide.


Upcoming Sessions

Currently scheduled upcoming sessions include:

  • October 29, 2018, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET
  • November 7, 2018, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. ET


  1. Log in to the Availity Portal.
  2. Select Help and Training, then Get Trained.
  3. In the Availity Learning Center (ALC) Catalog, select Sessions.
  4. Scroll Your Calendar to find and enroll for a live session.


Can’t make it?

We’ve got you covered with a recording of a previous live session. In the ALC, search the Catalog by the keyword “song” and enroll for the on-demand option.


Need Help?

Email training@availity.com if you have issues enrolling for a live webinar.

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

New operating system changes

We’re making a change for the better.

As communicated in the past, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia, Inc. and Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthcare Plan of Georgia, Inc. (collectively “BCBSGa”) is leveraging the strength and efficiencies of our parent company and continuing to simplify the way we do business by changing our operating systems to those currently used by our sister plans.


Changes to your remittance.

Starting in January 1, 2019, some providers may notice a few slight differences in remittance. They include:

Remittance item

Current Process

New Process

Allowed amount

Rounding is applied to the total allowed.

Rounding is applied on each claim line. The final allowed amount is the sum of each line-level rounded amount.

Multiple units* 

(fee schedule rate) (units billed) (flex percent) = remittance

(fee schedule rate) (flex percent) (units billed) = remittance

*Only applies to providers contracted with a percentage of fee schedule


If you have any questions regarding this notification, please contact your local network consultant or call BCBSGa provider services at 800-428-4446. Thank you for your continued participation in our network.

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

BCBSGa and Availity have partnered to operate the EDI Gateway

BCBSGa has partnered with Availity to operate and service the entry point for all EDI submissions to BCBSGa, otherwise known as the EDI Gateway.


What is Availity?

Most of you know Availity as web portal or claims clearinghouse, but they are much more.  Availity is also an intelligent EDI Gateway for multiple vendors and will be the EDI connection for all Anthem Inc. and its affiliates, including BCBSGa.


If you currently use a clearinghouse, billing company or if you submit directly, all your EDI transactions will flow through the Availity EDI Gateway to BCBSGa.


How are you submitting EDI transactions today?

  • If you currently transmit your EDI Submissions using a clearinghouse or Billing Company, you should contact your clearinghouse to confirm your EDI submission path has not changed. If you are notified of any potential impacts with connectivity, workflow or financial, please know there is no cost alternate submission options available with Availity.
  • If you currently submit directly to BCBSGa and already have an Availity login for the portal, you can use that same login for your EDI services.
  • Please visit the website to learn more.


How can you directly transmit EDI submission to Availity?

Below are the different ways you can submit direct EDI transactions to Availity:

  • Submit transaction files through FTP – If you work with a practice management system, health information system, or other automated system that supports an FTP connection, you can securely upload EDI transactions to the Availity FTP site where they are automatically picked up by Availity and submitted to BCBSGa.
  • Submit transaction files through the Availity Portal – If you have batch files of EDI transactions that you need to process and you choose not to use the

Availity FTP site, you can manually upload the batch files through the Availity Portal.

  • Submit transactions through manual data entry in the Availity Portal – The Availity Portal makes it easy to submit transactions, such as eligibility and benefits inquiries or claims, by entering data into our user-friendly web forms.


What are your next steps?

  • We recommend that you register with Availity for your EDI transmissions and begin migrating your volume by the end of 2018.
  • Availity will be working directly with your clearinghouse, billing companies, and if you choose to submit directly, your organization.


We look forward to delivering a smooth transition to the Availity EDI Gateway.

If you have any questions please contact Availity Client Services at 1-800-Availity (1-800-282-4548) Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time. 

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Integrated medical and behavioral healthcare services

In our ongoing efforts to encourage medical and behavioral health integration, BCBSGa continues to promote early identification and intervention of behavioral health issues through primary care. BCBSGa currently reimburses for screening and assessment for behavioral health and substance use through billing the following codes:
  • G0396 /99408 – Alcohol and/or substance (other than tobacco) abuse structured assessment (e.g., AUDIT, DAST), and brief intervention 15 to 30 minutes
  • G0397 / 99409 – Alcohol and/or substance (other than tobacco) abuse structured assessment (e.g., AUDIT, DAST), and brief intervention, greater than 30 minutes
  • G0442 – Annual alcohol misuse screening, 15 minutes £ G0443 - Brief face-to-face behavioral counseling for alcohol misuse, 15 minutes
  • G0443 – Brief face-to-face behavioral counseling for alcohol misuse, 15 minutes
  • G0444 – Annual depression screening, 15 minutes

BCBSGa also supports behavioral counseling for specific chronic conditions while in the primary care office. These services include:

  • G0446 – Annual, face-to-face intensive behavioral therapy for cardiovascular disease, 15 minutes
  • G0447 – Face-to-face behavioral counseling for obesity, 15 minutes
  • G0473 – Face-to-face behavioral counseling for obesity, group (2-10), 30 minutes

In addition, BCBSGa reimburses for the psychiatric collaborative care codes; procedure codes 99492, 99493, 99494 are used to report these services. These codes are reportable by primary care for their collaboration with a qualified behavioral health provider, such as a Psychiatrist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, etc. Care is directed by the primary care team and includes structured care management with regular assessments of clinical status using validated tools and modification of treatment as appropriate. The psychiatric consultant provides regular consultations to the primary care team to review the clinical status and care of patients and to make recommendations. These codes are intended to represent the care and management for patients with behavioral health conditions that often require extensive discussion, information-sharing, and planning between a primary care physician and a BH specialist. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has created a training program for primary care on the collaborative care model and the use of these codes. It can be found at APA Training Module

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Refer patients to in-network providers

You are contractually obligated under the terms of your Participation Agreement with BCBSGa to refer our members to other BCBSGa contracted providers. Referring to network providers, means our members are assured of accessing the highest level of benefits under their plan. For a complete list of BCBSGa contracted providers, click on “Find a Doctor” at bcbsga.com.


We appreciate your participation in our networks, and thank you in advance for your continued commitment to use only contracted providers, including laboratories for our members.

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Explore new enhancements to the Education and Reference Center

The Education and Reference Center (ERC) offers the Communication & Education section where you can find training materials, important policy information, commonly used forms and reference guides on BCBSGa's proprietary tools. When you visit the ERC, you can efficiently navigate to all available electronic resources using only the Availity Portal.


The Communication & Education section includes two new categories to help make it easier for you to find what you need:  Payer Spaces and Interactive Care Reviewer. 

With an Availity log in you can easily view any new content added to the ERC. There is no additional role assignment needed.  


Find the ERC on the Availity Portal under Payer Spaces > Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia > Applications. If you are having trouble locating the Education and Reference Center, type Education and Reference Center in the Availity Search option located on the top navigation menu. Select the heart next to the application to save it to your Favorites.

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Tips for billing CPT modifier 33

The modifier 33 was created to aid compliance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which prohibits member cost sharing for defined preventive services for non-grandfathered policies. The appropriate use of modifier 33 will reduce claim adjustments related to preventive services and your corresponding refunds to members.


Modifier 33 is applicable to CPT codes representing preventive care services. CPT codes not appended with modifier 33 will process under the member’s medical or preventive benefits, based on the diagnosis and CPT codes submitted.


Modifier 33 should be appended to codes represented for services described in the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) A and B recommendations, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and certain guidelines for infants, children, adolescents, and women supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Guidelines.


The CPT® 2018 Professional Edition manual shares the following information regarding the billing of modifier 33, “When the primary purpose of the service is the delivery of an evidence based service in accordance with a US Preventive Services Task Force A or B rating in effect and other preventive services identified in preventive mandates (legislative or regulatory), the service may be identified by adding 33 to the procedure. For separately reported services specifically identified as preventive, the modifier should not be used.”

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Reminder to use Laboratory Corporation of America

As a reminder, physicians are required to refer to in-network laboratories. For our HMO, Open Access and Pathways members, this means referring to Laboratory Corporation of America (LabCorp). By doing so, members are assured of having the highest benefit level and minimum out of pocket expense. 


LabCorp is the exclusive national clinical reference laboratory provider for Blue Cross and Blue Shield Healthcare Plan of Georgia Inc. HMO, Open Access POS and Pathways members.


Laboratory specimens can be collected in the office with LabCorp courier pick-up available throughout the state. Members may also bring a LabCorp requisition form completed by their physician, to any of the over one-hundred LabCorp Patient Service Center locations throughout Georgia. To find out about LabCorp Patient Service Center locations, go to bcbsga.com.


If you have questions about LabCorp services, need to set up a LabCorp account, order supplies or schedule a pick-up, please call LabCorp at 800-762-0890.


If you have questions about our provider network or coverage for your patients, please contact your BCBSGa representative.

AdministrativeCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Clinical Practice and Preventive Health guidelines available on the web

As part of our commitment to provide you with the latest clinical information and educational materials, we have adopted nationally recognized medical, behavioral health, and preventive health guidelines, which are available to providers on our website. The guidelines, which are used for our Quality programs, are based on reasonable medical evidence, and are reviewed for content accuracy, current primary sources, the newest technological advances and recent medical research. All guidelines are reviewed annually, and updated as needed. The current guidelines are available on the Health & Wellness page of our provider website.

Policy UpdatesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Notification of preapproval list changes

Preapproval changes are listed on the attached PDF. For additional information, you can access the complete Georgia Standard Preapproval List, Georgia Standard Preapproval CODE List and Georgia Standard Adopted Clinical Guideline List using the following links:

Medical Policy & Clinical GuidelinesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Update to AIM Specialty Health radiation oncology clinical appropriateness guidelines

Effective for dates of service on and after January 28, 2019, the following updates will apply to the AIM Specialty Health© (AIM), a separate company, radiation oncology clinical appropriateness guidelines.

Breast cancer

  • Removed age and tumor size criteria for accelerated whole breast irradiation (AWBI)

Rectal cancer

  • Modified criteria no longer limits treatment with IMRT for rectal adenocarcinoma

Pancreatic cancer

  • Added criteria for SBRT in treating locally advanced or recurrent disease without evidence of distant metastasis

Head and neck cancer

  • Added criteria to allow IMRT for head and neck lymphomas
  • Clarified no IMRT for stage I/II glottic cancer

Lung cancer

  • Added DVH parameter for cardiac V50
  • Removed preoperative and joint sparing requirements for IMRT
Prostate cancer                                                          
  • Added discussion on hypofractionation
  • Added discussion on brachytherapy

As a reminder, ordering and servicing providers may submit prior authorization requests to AIM in one of several ways:
  • Access AIM’s ProviderPortalSM directly at providerportal.com. Online access is available 24/7 to process orders in real-time, and is the fastest and most convenient way to request authorization.
  • Access AIM via the Availity Web Portal at availity.com.
  • Call the AIM Contact Center toll-free number: 866-714-1103, Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. ET.


For questions related to guidelines, please contact AIM via email at aim.guidelines@aimspecialtyhealth.com. Additionally, you may access and download a copy of the current guidelines on AIM’s website.


Please note, this program does not apply to FEP or National Accounts.  

Medical Policy & Clinical GuidelinesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Update to AIM Specialty Health sleep disorder management clinical appropriateness guidelines

Effective for dates of service on and after January 28, 2019, CPT code A7047 (oral interface used with respiratory suction pump) will be removed from the AIM Specialty Health© (AIM), a separate company, sleep disorder management clinical appropriateness guidelines and will no longer apply.
  • Access AIM’s ProviderPortalSM directly at providerportal.com. Online access is available 24/7 to process orders in real-time, and is the fastest and most convenient way to request authorization.
  • Access AIM via the Availity Web Portal at availity.com
  • Call the AIM Contact Center toll-free number: 866-714-1103, Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. ET.


For questions related to guidelines, please contact AIM via email at aim.guidelines@aimspecialtyhealth.com.

Additionally, you may access and download a copy of the current guidelines on AIM’s website

Please note, this program does not apply to FEP.

Medical Policy & Clinical GuidelinesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Update to AIM Specialty Health clinical appropriateness guidelines: advanced imaging appropriate use criteria: imaging of the heart

Effective for dates of service on and after January 28, 2019, the following updates will apply to the AIM Specialty Health© (AIM), a separate company, clinical appropriateness guidelines: advanced imaging appropriate use criteria: imaging of the heart

Carotid duplex ultrasound

  • Criteria removed for evaluation of syncope in patients with suspected extracranial arterial disease
  • New criteria address evaluation of TAVR (TAVI) in patients with suspected or established extracranial arterial disease

Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI), stress echocardiography, cardiac PET, and coronary CT angiography (CCTA)

  • Clarifications address exercise-induced syncope and exercise-induced dizziness, lightheadedness or near syncope in symptomatic patients with suspected coronary artery disease

MPI, stress echocardiography, cardiac PET

  • Criteria added to allow annual surveillance of coronary artery disease in patients with established CAD post-cardiac transplant
  • Clarified definition of established coronary artery disease when diagnosed by CCTA
    • more restrictive for patients diagnosed with coronary artery disease by prior coronary angiography, as FFR must be ≤0.8
    • more permissive for patients diagnosed with coronary artery disease by CCTA with FFR ≤0.8 (patients previously excluded)

Resting transthoracic echocardiography (TTE)

  • New criteria for evaluation of ventricular function in patients who have undergone cardiac transplantation.

Cardiac MRI

  • New criteria allows for annual study to quantify cardiac iron load in chronically ill patients with cardiomyopathy who require frequent blood transfusions (e.g., thalassemia)
  • Removed allowance for annual LV function evaluation when echocardiography is suboptimal

As a reminder, ordering and servicing providers may submit prior authorization requests to AIM in one of several ways:
  • Access AIM’s ProviderPortalSM directly at providerportal.com. Online access is available 24/7 to process orders in real-time, and is the fastest and most convenient way to request authorization.
  • Access AIM via the Availity Web Portal at availity.com.
  • Call the AIM Contact Center toll-free number: 866-714-1103, Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. ET.


For questions related to guidelines, please contact AIM via email at aim.guidelines@aimspecialtyhealth.com.

Additionally, you may access and download a copy of the current guidelines on AIM’s website.


Please note, this program does not apply to FEP.

Medical Policy & Clinical GuidelinesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Medical policy and clinical guideline updates 10/1/2018

The Medical Policy and Technology Assessment Committee adopted the attached PDF of new and/or revised Medical Policies and Clinical Guidelines. Some may have expanded rationales, medical necessity indications or criteria and some may involve changes to policy position statements that might result in services that previously were covered being found to be either not medically necessary or investigational/not medically necessary.  Clinical Guidelines adopted by Blue Cross Blue Shield and all the Medical Policies are available at bcbsga.com/provider under “see policies and guidelines”.  Please note that our medical policies now include NOC (Not Otherwise Classified) codes to expedite the process of determining services that may require medical review. If you do not have access to the Internet, you may request a hard copy of a specific Medical or Behavioral Health Policy or Clinical UM Guideline by calling Provider Services at (800) 241-7475 Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. or send written requests (specifying the medical policy or guideline of interest, your name and address to where the information should be sent) to:


Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia and Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthcare Plan of Georgia

Attention: Prior Approval, Mail Code GAG009-0002

3350 Peachtree Road NE

Atlanta, GA 30326


NOTE: Any Clinical Guideline included in this standard MPTAC notification is only effective for GA if included on the GA Standard Adopted Clinical Guideline List unless there is a Group-specific review requirement in which case it will be considered ‘Adopted’ for that group only and for the specific type of review required. Additionally, as part of the Pre-Payment Review Program for commercial or Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) plans, Clinical Guidelines approved by Medical Policy and Technology Assessment Committee (MPTAC) but not included in the GA Standard Adopted Clinical Guideline List may be used to review a provider’s claims when a provider’s billing practices are not consistent with other providers in terms of frequency or in some other manner or for provider education and are “Adopted” for those purposes.   

Open attached PDF to view new and/or revised Medical Policies and Clinical Guidelines.

Reimbursement PoliciesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

New reimbursement policy: readmissions (Facility)

Effective January 1, 2019, Anthem does not allow separate reimbursement for claims that have been identified as a readmission to the same facility, or another facility that (i) operates under the same Facility Agreement, (ii) has the same tax identification number as Facility, or (iii) is under common ownership as Facility. This policy documents the Health Plan’s guidelines used to identify a readmission and the Health Plan’s guidelines for reimbursement related to a readmission.  For more information, review the policy dated January 1, 2019 by visiting the Reimbursement Policy page on our bcbsga.com/provider website.

Reimbursement PoliciesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

New reimbursement policy: Revenue Code Billing (Facility)

Beginning with dates of service on or after January 1, 2019, BCBSGa will require that facilities billing outpatient services on a UB04 report current and valid CPT or HCPCS codes with revenue codes as specified by the National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC).  BCBSGa will also require that outpatient facilities report current and valid CPT or HCPCS codes for remaining revenue codes when, and if, appropriate CPT or HCPCS codes are available for the revenue codes being reported.  In addition, BCBSGa will require that applicable CPT or HCPCS modifiers be reported with the CPT or HCPCS codes to clarify or improve the accuracy of the procedure being reported when appropriate.  For more information about this new policy, visit the Reimbursement Policy page on our bcbsga.com/provider website.

Reimbursement PoliciesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Claims Requiring Additional Documentation reimbursement policy update (Facility)

BCBSGa continues to take steps to improve the payment accuracy of provider claims and reduce post-payment recoveries. To this end, beginning with dates of service on or after January 1, 2019, BCBSGa will update its Claims Requiring Additional Documentation policy to include the following requirement: 
  • Inpatient stay claims reimbursed at a percent of charge with billed charges above $40,000 require an itemized bill to be submitted with the claim.


BCBSGa has engaged Ceris to administer the review of these claims.


For more information about this new policy, visit the Reimbursement Policy page on our bcbsga.com/provider website.

Reimbursement PoliciesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Assistant Surgeon Coding update (professional)

In our Assistant Surgery Services Coding Chart dated June 15, 2018, we are adding procedure codes 15733, 19294, 20939, 31241, 31253, 31257, 31259, 31298, 36465, 36466, 36482, 36483, 38222, 55874, 0479T, 0483T, 0484T, C9738, C9748, G0516, G0517, G0518, (effective January 1, 2018), and C9749 (effective April 1, 2018) to our “Assistant Surgeon Not Allowed” code list to document our edit that these codes are not eligible for reimbursement when reported by an assistant surgeon. Please note that we are deleting code 44360 from the list as this code does allow an assistant surgeon; we are also removing deleted codes 44347, 44349, and 44350 from the “Assistant Surgeon Not Allowed” code list. 

Reimbursement PoliciesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Documentation and Reporting Guidelines for E/M Services update (professional)

We are adding new information to our policy dated January 1, 2019 regarding new patient vs. established patient visits. When a provider changes physician group practices and has seen a patient within the past three years at the previous practice, the evaluation and management encounter for the same patient at the new practice is considered an established patient visit and would NOT be considered a new patient visit.  For more information regarding this update, along with other non-substantive updates (minor language, punctuation, etc.), review the policy dated January 1, 2019 by visiting the Reimbursement Policy page at bcbsga.com/provider website.

Reimbursement PoliciesCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Routine Obstetrical Services update (professional)

We are adding new information for our policy dated January 1, 2019 that reimbursement for global obstetric codes is based on all aspects of global obstetric services (antepartum, delivery and postpartum) being provided by the provider or provider group reporting under the same TIN. If a provider or provider group reporting under the same TIN does not provide all antepartum, delivery and postpartum services, global obstetrical codes may not be used and providers are to submit for reimbursement only the elements of the obstetric services that were actually provided. For more information regarding this update, along with other non-substantive updates (minor language, punctuation, etc.), review the policy dated January 1, 2019 by visiting the Reimbursement Policy page at bcbsga.com/provider website.

Products & ProgramsCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Notice about the PAR Network

Beginning January 1, 2019, reimbursement for the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia, Inc.  Traditional Health Plan Network, also known as the PAR and/or Indemnity Network (herein referred to as “PAR Network”), will be applied to claims submitted for services rendered to PAR Network members only. This means that the reimbursement associated with your PAR Network contract will no longer apply to members with HMO, POS or PPO coverage. This change is being made to assure that our reimbursement structure is consistent along all product lines.


Your contracted HMO or POS reimbursement will be applied to claims for members who receive benefits thorough a HMO or POS plan. PPO reimbursement will be applied to claims for members who receive benefits thorough a PPO plan. And now, PAR reimbursement will only be applied to claims for members who receive benefits thorough a PAR or indemnity plan.  


If you do not participate in a network you will be considered “out-of-network” for members who access benefits through networks in which you do not participate. In the past, the PAR Network, operated as the default network so that if you treated members who accessed benefits through a network in which you did not participate, the PAR Network would drive reimbursement and cost shares.  Beginning January 1, 2019, if you treat a member with benefits through a network in which you do not participate, the following will occur: (a) If the Plan has approved the out-of-network care, you must secure a single case negotiated agreement before treating the member and/or (b) if the member self-refers, a single case negotiated agreement is not required but is suggested to help the member receive the highest level of benefits.     


Emergency services (as all other services) will be covered in accordance with the members’ benefit plan and governing state and federal laws.

Products & ProgramsCommercialOctober 1, 2018

BCBSGa Community Care Coordination expands relationship with Preferred Community Health Partners to support commercial members with complex needs

Effective November 12, 2018, BCBSGa will integrate Community Health Workers utilized by Preferred Community Health Partners (PCHP) into our current care management program to provide enhanced care transition for BCBSGa members with complex needs.  Members will include, but are not limited to, those with the following:
  • Hospital readmissions
  • Frequent ER visits
  • No engagement with PCP within three months or more
  • Readmission risk score >24
  • Multiple diagnoses
  • Identified social determinants of health


PCHP does not replace BCBSGa Case Management, the care or the care management provided by PCPs and specialists. Instead provides an extra layer of support with Community Health Workers as an extension of care management to help our members navigate the complex health care system.


A PCHP Community Health Worker may reach out to your practice to introduce themselves and establish a relationship with the physician. They may also discuss developing a mechanism by which to share information regarding patients that have been identified for complex care services.


For questions regarding PCHP and complex care services, please contact 800-353-0923. 

Products & ProgramsCommercialOctober 1, 2018

BCBSGa fights opioid addiction: Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes and Quality Medication-Assisted Therapy

Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO)

People are dying of opioid addiction. With the ECHO opioid addiction treatment, you can help save lives. Join one of several video tele-consultative ECHO learning communities nationwide and participate with other clinicians learning about medication-assisted treatment for individuals with opioid disorders. For more information, visit the ECHO website.


Benefits of participating include:

  • Addiction treatment training.
  • Free continuing education credits.
  • Opportunity to receive expert input on your (de-identified) patient cases.
  • Access to a virtual learning community for treatment guidelines, tools and patient resources.
  • Opportunity to ask questions and get a variety of support from specialists.


Quality Medication-Assisted Therapy (MAT)

To help ensure members have access to comprehensive evidence-based care, BCBSGa is committed to helping its providers double the number of members who receive behavioral health services as part of MAT for opioid addiction.


When treating patients with opioid use disorder, it is considered best practice to offer and arrange evidence-based treatment. This usually consists of MAT with buprenorphine or, in some plans, methadone maintenance treatment in combination with behavioral therapies. Behavioral therapies focused on medication adherence and relapse prevention can improve MAT outcomes and improve other social determinants of health, including development of an enhanced social support network in recovery.


For more information

For more information about best practices for medication-assisted treatment, please read the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s National Practice Guideline For the Use of Medications in the Treatment of Addiction Involving Opioid Use.


You can also contact Jennifer Tripp by email at jennifer.tripp@anthem.com for more information about the ECHO and MAT programs.

PharmacyCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Pharmacy information available on the web

For more information on copayment/coinsurance requirements and their applicable drug classes, drug lists and changes, prior authorization criteria, procedures for generic substitution, therapeutic interchange, step therapy or other management methods subject to prescribing decisions, and any other requirements, restrictions, or limitations that apply to using certain drugs, visit bcbsga.com/provider and select “Pharmacy Information”. The commercial drug list is reviewed and updates are posted to the web site quarterly (the first of the month for January, April, July and October). To locate “Marketplace Select Formulary” and pharmacy information, go to Customer Support, select your state, Download Forms and choose “Select Drug List.”  Click the following links for the Federal Employee Program formulary Basic Option and Standard Options. These drug lists are also reviewed and updated regularly as needed.

PharmacyCommercialOctober 1, 2018

BCBSGa expands specialty pharmacy prior authorization list

Effective for dates of service on and after January 1, 2019, the following specialty pharmacy codes from new or current medical policies or clinical UM guidelines will be included in our prior authorization review process.

Please note, inclusion of NDC code on your claim will shorten the claim processing of drugs billed with a Not Otherwise Classified (NOC) code.

BCBSGa’s prior authorization clinical review of these specialty pharmacy drugs will be managed by AIM Specialty Health® (AIM), a separate company.

The following clinical guidelines or medical policies will be effective January 1, 2019:

Coverage or Clinical UM Guideline


NDC Code









New policy


PharmacyCommercialOctober 1, 2018

BCBSGa expands specialty pharmacy clinically equivalent drug list

Effective for dates of service on and after January 1, 2019, the following specialty pharmacy codes from new or current medical policies or clinical UM guidelines will be included in our existing specialty pharmacy clinically equivalent review process.


Please note, inclusion of NDC code on your claim will shorten the claim processing of drugs billed with a Not Otherwise Classified (NOC) code.


BCBSGa’s clinically equivalent prior authorization clinical review of these specialty pharmacy drugs will be managed by AIM Specialty Health® (AIM), a separate company.

Medical Policy or

Clinical UM Guideline






NDC Code




























PharmacyCommercialOctober 1, 2018

BCBSGa expands specialty pharmacy level of care (clinical site of care) drug list

Effective for dates of service on and after January 1, 2019, the following specialty pharmacy codes from new or current medical policies or clinical UM guidelines will be included in our existing specialty pharmacy level of care review process.


BCBSGa’s level of care prior authorization clinical review of these specialty pharmacy drugs will be managed by AIM Specialty Health® (AIM), a separate company.


View the Level of Care (Clinical Site of Care) drug list and Level of Care (Clinical Site of Care) pre-service clinical review FAQs for more information.

Medical Policy or

Clinical UM Guideline






NDC Code






PharmacyCommercialOctober 1, 2018

Access patient-specific drug benefit information through EMR

Providers can access real-time, patient-specific prescription drug benefit information at the point of care. It is part of the e-prescribing process, and is located within a provider’s electronic medical record (EMR) system.


This functionality helps providers determine prescription coverage quicker by sharing information about patient drug cost, formulary, and coverage alerts such as prior authorization prior to sending a prescription to the pharmacy. This information can help providers proactively identify barriers to medication compliance. For example, if a medication is too costly for the member, alternatives can be discussed prior to the patient leaving the provider’s office.


Providers can find the following patient-specific prescription benefit information with their EMR:

  • Formulary status of selected medication
  • Pricing of medication at a retail and mail order pharmacy
  • Formulary alternatives
  • Coverage alerts, including prior authorization and step therapy.

Providers should contact their IT department or EMR system with questions regarding access to real-time prescription drug benefit functionality. Upgrades to EMR software may be required.


State & FederalMedicare AdvantageOctober 1, 2018

Genetic testing prior authorization by ordering physician helps ensure accurate lab payment

The AIM Genetic Testing program requires ordering providers to request medical necessity review of all genetic testing services for individual Medicare Advantage members.  Requesting this prior authorization will help ensure that the lab receives timely and accurate payment for these services.


Please submit genetic testing prior authorization requests to AIM through one of the following ways:

  • Access AIM ProviderPortalSM directly at providerportal.com. Online access is available 24/7 to process orders in real-time, and is the fastest and most convenient way to request authorization.
  • Access AIM via the Availity Web Portal at availity.com
  • Call the AIM Contact Center toll-free number at 800-714-0040, Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m.


For further questions regarding prior authorization requirements, please contact the Provider Services number on the back of your patient’s ID card.

State & FederalMedicare AdvantageOctober 1, 2018

BCBSGa transitions MA back pain management and cardiology UM programs from OrthoNet to AIM

Effective January 1, 2019, BCBSGa will transition its Medicare back pain management and cardiology programs from OrthoNet LLC to AIM Specialty Health® (AIM), a specialty health benefits company. BCBSGa has an existing relationship with AIM in the administration of other medical management programs. Additional information will be available at Important Medicare Advantage Updates at bcbsga.com/medicareprovider.

State & FederalMedicare AdvantageOctober 1, 2018

Please evaluate statin use for MA members with diabetes, cardiovascular disease

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has increased its emphasis on the appropriate use of statins among Medicare Advantage beneficiaries diagnosed with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Please evaluate whether your patients with diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease would be appropriate candidates for statin therapy.


The 2013 American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association Guideline on the Treatment of Blood Cholesterol to Reduce Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Risk in Adults supports the use of moderate-intensity statin therapy in persons with diabetes 40 to 75 years of age to reduce the risks of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) events. High-intensity statin therapy is recommended if the patient has an estimated 10-year ASCVD risk ≥7.5 percent. For males 21-75 and females 40-75 years of age with clinical ASCVD, high-intensity statin therapy is recommended unless contraindicated. These guidelines recommend statin therapy in these scenarios regardless of what patient LDL values are.  Please evaluate if your patients with diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease would be appropriate candidates for statin therapy.


Formulary agents are listed below:

Therapy intensity Drug (brand) Dose

Moderate-intensity statin therapy

(formulary agents)
10 mg, 20 mg
5 mg, 10 mg
20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg
40 mg, 80 mg
40 mg

High-intensity statin therapy

(formulary agents)
40 mg, 80 mg
20 mg, 40 mg

*Rosuvastatin (Crestor) is a preferred brand medication on the Medicare formulary. 

**Available for a $0 co-pay for most plans in 2018

State & FederalMedicare AdvantageOctober 1, 2018

Medicare pharmacy and prescriber home starts January 2019

Per guidance established by the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has established provisions to develop a pharmacy and prescriber home program for opioid medications. Beginning January 1, 2019 BCBSGa will work with beneficiaries and providers to help to reduce the risk of opioid dependency by streamlining access to opioid medications. If a beneficiary is exhibiting at-risk opioid medication utilization, the plan sponsor will work with the beneficiary and provider to select a pharmacy home and prescriber home for the beneficiary’s opioid medications. At risk is defined by CMS as
  1. Cumulative Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME) > 90mg per day
  2. Opioid prescribers > than three and opioid dispensing pharmacies > than three
  3. Or Opioid prescribers > than five regardless the number of pharmacies


  • Cancer, LTC and Hospice are exempt
  • Beneficiaries will have the choice of which pharmacy or prescriber to select as their home.
  • Plan sponsors will request agreement from the provider selected as the home.
  • At this time, only opioid and benzodiazepine medications will be delegated to a home pharmacy or prescriber.
  • Both beneficiaries and providers will receive letters to explain what is happening and how it will happen.
  • Beneficiaries retain the right to request a coverage determination and may choose to change their Home pharmacy or prescriber at any time.

State & FederalMedicare AdvantageOctober 1, 2018

Keep up with Medicare news