Provider News GeorgiaJanuary 2022 Anthem Provider News - GeorgiaMaterial adverse change (MAC)
AIM Specialty Health®
AIM Specialty Health®, a separate company, is a nationally recognized leader delivering specialty benefits management on behalf of Anthem for certain health plan members. Determine if prior authorization is needed for a Georgia Anthem member by visiting the “Medical Policy and Clinical UM Guidelines” page on our provider website or by calling the prior authorization phone number printed on the back of the member’s ID card. To submit your request for any of the services below, contact AIM online via AIM’s website at aimspecialtyhealth.com/goweb. From the drop-down menu, select GA. You may also call AIM toll-free at 866-714-1103, Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. ET
AIM provides benefits management for the programs listed below:
- Imaging level of care
- Genetic testing
- Diagnostic imaging management
- Cardiovascular services
- Radiation therapy services
- Rehabilitative services
- Outpatient sleep testing and therapy services
- Cancer care quality program
- Musculoskeletal (for fully insured)
- Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in adults, and site of care for certain surgical services
For more details on these programs, please visit the AIM website. Clicking the previous links will direct you to sites created and/or maintained by another, separate entity (“external site”). Upon linking, you are subject to the terms of use, privacy, copyright and security policies of the external sites. We provide these links solely for your information and convenience. We encourage you to review the privacy practices of the external sites. The information contained on the external sites should not be interpreted as medical advice or treatment provided by us.
Eligibility and benefits
Verify eligibility and benefits on anthem.com/provider or by calling the number on the back of the member’s identification card. Service preapproval is based on member’s benefit plan/eligibility at the time the service is reviewed/approved. Benefit plans vary widely and are subject to change based on the contract effective dates. The provider is responsible for verification of member eligibility and covered benefits. Except in the case of an emergency, failure to obtain preapproval prior to rendering the designated services listed below will result in denial of reimbursement.
Add to preapproval
Locoregional and Surgical Techniques for Treating Primary and Metastatic Liver Malignancies
Add 04/01/2022
Patent Foramen Ovale and Left Atrial Appendage Closure Devices for Stroke Prevention
33267, 33268, 33269
Add 01/01/2022 (New Codes)
Transendoscopic Therapy for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Dysphagia and Gastroparesis
Add 01/01/2022 (New Code)
Intraocular Anterior Segment Aqueous Drainage Devices (without extraocular reservoir)
66989, 66991, 0671T
Add 01/01/2022 (New Codes)
Transcatheter Heart Valve Procedures
Add 01/01/2022 (New Code)
Oral, Pharyngeal and Maxillofacial Surgical Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea or Snoring
Add 01/01/2022 (New Code)
Parents may not understand the importance of taking their children to the doctor when they are healthy. The benefits are documented by the American Academy of Pediatrics 1 as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2 and it all starts with a recommendation by you, the trusted physician. Share these benefits with parents during regularly scheduled well-visits, or even during sick visits, to reinforce the importance of staying on track:
- Regular wellness visits ensure children receive scheduled immunizations that prevent illness. It is also a great opportunity to discuss nutrition and safety in the home.
- Growth and development. Evaluating children for growth and development enables parents to see how much their children have grown since the last visit. It is also an opportunity to share the children’s development, to discuss milestones, social behaviors, and learning.
- Raising concerns. Offering parents an opportunity to share concerns at the start of the visit will help in your evaluation of the patient. They may want to talk about development, sleep and eating habits and behaviors.
- Team approach. Regular visits create strong, trustworthy relationships among physician, parent, and child. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) supports well-child visits as a way for pediatricians and parents to serve the needs of children. This team approach helps develop optimal physical, mental, and social health of a child.
Measure up: Well-Child Visits in the first 30 months of life (W30)
This HEDIS® measure is described as the percentage of members who had to the following number of well-child visits with a PCP during the last 15 months. These rates are reported:
- Well-child visits in the first 15 months: Six or more well-child visits with children who turned age 15 months during the measurement year.
- Well-child visits for ages 15 to 30 months: Two or more well-child visits with children who turned age 30 months during the measurement year.
- Telehealth visits are acceptable in meeting the measurement requirements.
- Consider scheduling well-child visits in advance of the child reaching the age for the visit.
- ICD-10:110, Z00.111, Z00.121, Z00.129, Z00.2, Z00.3, Z02.5, Z76.1, Z76.2
- HCPCS: G0438-G0439, S0302
- CPT: 99381-99382, 99391-99392, 99461
The Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) Blue High Performance Network (BlueHPN®) is part of a national network of high performance networks created in collaboration with the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
Effective January 1, 2022, Georgia’s BlueHPN includes new service areas in Savannah, Columbus, and Augusta, in addition to the already active Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Roswell metropolitan area network.
Member ID cards and other plan material feature one small change for 2022: BlueHPN is now a single word rather than two.
As was true in 2021, you may see patients accessing the BlueHPN through either a national employer plan, Blue Connection plan, or large or small group employer health savings account (HSA) plans with an Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) network. Under EPO plans, out-of-network benefits are limited to emergency or urgent care. Members may be required to select a primary care provider (PCP), but PCP referrals are not required for specialty care.
Provider profiles in our “Find Care” provider directory show updated Blue HPN participation for 2022.
You can verify BlueHPN network participation by contacting your local Anthem network consultant.
Below is a sample ID card for a member from Georgia enrolled in the national employer BlueHPN plan. Note the “Blue High Performance Network” logo and “BlueHPN” indicator in the suitcase icon.

ATTACHMENTS (available on web): 1512 image.jpg (jpg - 0.03mb) The Medical Policy and Technology Assessment Committee (MPTAC) adopted the attached new and/or revised medical policies and clinical guidelines. Some may have expanded rationales, medical necessity indications or criteria and some may involve changes to policy position statements that might result in services that previously were covered being found to be either not medically necessary or investigational/not medically necessary. Clinical guidelines adopted by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and all the medical policies are available on the Anthem provider website. Please note our medical policies now include NOC (not otherwise classified) codes to expedite the process of determining services that may require medical review. If you don’t have access to the internet, you may request a hard copy of a specific medical or behavioral health policy or clinical UM guideline by calling provider services at (800) 241-7475 Monday–Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Or send written requests (specifying medical policy or guideline of interest, your name and address to where information should be sent) to:
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Attention: Prior approval, mail code GAG009-0002
3350 Peachtree Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30326
NOTE: Any clinical guideline included in this standard MPTAC notification is only effective for Georgia if included on the Georgia standard adopted clinical guideline list unless there is a group-specific review requirement in which case it will be considered ‘adopted’ for that group only and for the specific type of review required. Additionally, as part of the pre-payment review program for commercial or Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) plans, clinical guidelines approved by MPTAC but not included in the Georgia standard adopted clinical guideline list may be used to review a provider’s claims when a provider’s billing practices are not consistent with other providers in terms of frequency or in some other manner or for provider education and are “adopted” for those purposes.
Open the attached document titled GA medical policy and clinical guideline updates 1.1.2022 to view the new and/or revised medical policies and clinical guidelines adopted by the MPTAC.
To view medical policies and utilization management guidelines applicable to members enrolled in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan (commonly referred to as the Federal Employee Program® (FEP®)), please visit fepblue.org > policies & guidelines.
Material adverse change (MAC)
Beginning with dates of service on or after April 1, 2022, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) will no longer allow separate reimbursement for 88141-88155, 88164-88167, and 88174-88175 when reported with 99381-99397, 99201-99215. We will bundle these codes, and modifiers will not override the edit. The “exemption” section of the policy will reflect this change.
Additionally, the same changes apply to our Distinct Procedural Service, Modifiers 59 and XE, XP, XS, & XU policy.
For more information about these policies, visit the Reimbursement Policy page on our anthem.com/provider website.
To view the 2022 benefits and changes for the Blue Cross Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan, also known as the Federal Employee Program® (FEP), go to fepblue.org then click Tools & Resources at the top of the page, and then click Brochures & Resources. Here you will find Plan Brochures, Plan Summaries, and Quick Reference Guides on information for year 2022. For questions, please contact FEP Customer Service at 800-282-2473.
Medicare Advantage
Submitting prior authorizations is now easier and multi-payer
We know how much easier it is when you have access to digital apps that streamline your work. Thousands of providers already use the Availity* Authorization app to submit prior authorizations for other payers. Now, we want to make it easier to submit prior authorization requests to Anthem by making the app available in 2022 to our providers as well.
ICR is still available
If you need to refer to an authorization that was submitted through the Interactive Care Reviewer (ICR), you still have access to that information. We have developed a pathway for you to access your ICR dashboard — You simply follow the prompts provided through the Availity Authorization app.
Innovation in progress
While we grow the Availity Authorization app to provide even greater functionality and to expand Anthem-specific prior authorizations, we have provided access to ICR for:
- Appeals
- Behavioral health authorizations
- Federal Employee Program authorizations
- Medical specialty pharmacy authorizations
Notices in the Availity Authorization app will guide you through the process for accessing ICR for these Alternate Authorization/Appeal functions.
Begin submitting digital prior authorizations through the Authorization app in 2022
If you aren’t already familiar with the Availity Authorization app, live training and recorded webinars are available.
Time (All training sessions are one hour)
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
11 a.m. Eastern
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
3 p.m. Eastern
Thursday, January 20, 2022
12 p.m. Eastern
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
12 p.m. Eastern
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
3 p.m. Eastern
You can always log onto availity.com to view the webinars at your convenience. From Help & Training, select Get Trained to access the Availity Learning Center. Select the Session tab to see all upcoming live webinars.
Tip: To find the authorization training faster, use keyword AvAuthRef in the search field. Now, give it a try Eliminate the time and costs associated with faxing prior authorizations by using the Availity Authorization app. It’s easy, convenient, and available when you are, 24/7.
Get access by logging onto availity.com. Under the Patient Registration tab, select Authorizations & Referrals. The app is easy to navigate with intuitive functions that walk you through the submission.
Tips: You will need to have the Authorization Role assignment in order to access the app and to submit prior authorizations. Your organization’s Availity administrator can assign the role to you.
If you have any questions, reach out to Availity at 800-282-4548.
Medicare Advantage
Effective January 1, 2022, IngenioRx/CVS Specialty Pharmacy* will no longer distribute the brand name drug Botox®. However, Botox will still be available to Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield members through other vendors.
Please note:
- This is not a change in member benefits. This is a change in the Botox vendor only.
- If the member is not using IngenioRx/CVS Specialty Pharmacy to obtain Botox, no action is needed.
For Botox managed under a Medicare member’s part B (medical) benefit
Providers should be using buy and bill for any Medicare member who currently receive Botox through their part B (medical) benefit. If your patient is receiving, Botox using their part B benefit and is receiving their prescription from IngenioRx/CVS Specialty pharmacy, effective January 1, 2022, IngenioRx/CVS Specialty will no longer filled the prescription. As of January 1, 2022, you will need to buy this drug and bill your patient’s health plan.
If you have questions regarding a Medicare member’s part B benefits, call Provider Services using the information on the back of the member’s ID card.
For Botox managed under a Medicare member’s part D (pharmacy) benefit
Effective January 1, 2022, Medicare members who currently receive Botox through IngenioRx/CVS Specialty Pharmacy using their part D (pharmacy) benefit must change to another in-network specialty or retail pharmacy that can obtain and dispense Botox.
If you have questions regarding a Medicare member’s part D benefit, call Pharmacy Member Services using the information on the back of the member’s ID card.
Medicare Advantage
The HEDIS® Electronic Clinical Data Systems (ECDS) reporting methodology encourages the exchange of the information needed to provide high-quality health-care services.
The ECDS Reporting Standard provides a method to collect, and report structured electronic clinical data for HEDIS quality measurement and improvement.
Benefits to providers:
- Reduced burden of medical record review for quality reporting
- Improved health outcomes and care quality due to greater insights for more specific patient-centered care
ECDS reporting is part of the National Committee for Quality Assurance’s (NCQA) larger strategy to enable a Digital Quality System and is aligned with the industry’s move to digital measures.
Learn more about NCQA’s digital quality system and what it means to you and your practice, at the following link: https://www.ncqa.org/hedis/the-future-of-hedis/hedis-electronic-clinical-data-system-ecds-reporting/.
ECDS measures
The first publicly reported measure using the HEDIS ECDS Reporting Standard is the Prenatal Immunization Status (PRS) measure. In 2022, NCQA will include the PRS measure in Health Plan Ratings for Medicaid and Commercial plans for measurement year 2021.
For HEDIS measurement year 2022, the following measures can be reported using ECDS:
- Childhood Immunization Status (CIS-E)*
- Immunizations for Adolescents (IMA-E)*
- Breast Cancer Screening (BCS-E)
- Colorectal Cancer Screening (COL-E)
- Follow-Up Care for Children Prescribed ADHD Medication (ADD-E)
- Metabolic Monitoring for Children and Adolescents on Antipsychotics (APM-E)*
- Depression Screening and Follow-Up for Adolescents and Adults (DSF-E)
- Utilization of the PHQ-9 to Monitor Depression Symptoms for Adolescents and Adults (DMS-E)
- Depression Remission or Response for Adolescents and Adults (DRR-E)
- Unhealthy Alcohol Use Screening and Follow-Up (ASF-E)
- Adult Immunization Status (AIS-E)
- Prenatal Immunization Status (PRS-E) (Accreditation measure for 2021)
- Prenatal Depression Screening and Follow-Up (PND-E)
- Postpartum Depression Screening and Follow-Up (PDS-E)
Medicare Advantage
Effective December 1, 2021, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) will prefer the referring physician name and NPI to be included on professional claims for home infusion therapy (HIT) services in fields 17 and 17a on the CMS-1500 Claim Form.
Providers should report the referring physician information in accordance with the Anthem guidelines in the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Companion Guide for claims submitted electronically.
Thank you for your assistance in our ongoing efforts to promote accurate claims processing and payment. We continue to be dedicated to delivering access to quality care for our members, providing higher value to our customers, and helping improve the health of our communities.
If you have questions regarding this process, contact your Network Manager.